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Australian Silky Terrier

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Australian Silky Terrier: The little dog with a big heart

History of the Australian Silky Terrier

The Australian Silky Terrier has its roots in Australia and originated from the crossbreeding of Australian Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers. The aim of this cross was to breed a small but robust terrier with a beautiful, silky coat. The breed was first bred in Sydney and Melbourne in the late 19th century and received its official name "Australian Silky Terrier" in 1955.

Who is the Australian Silky Terrier suitable for?

This breed is ideal for individuals, couples or families looking for a small but active dog. Silky Terriers are adaptable and can live happily in an apartment in the city as well as in a house with a garden. However, they do need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Character of the Australian Silky Terrier

Silky Terriers are known for their courageous, curious and playful character. They are extremely intelligent and learn quickly, making them good candidates for obedience training and dog sports such as agility. Despite their small size, they are very alert and have a natural tendency to bark, which makes them good watchdogs.

Appearance of the Australian Silky Terrier

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small, compact dog with a fine, silky coat that can reach a length of up to 15 cm. Typically, the coat is blue and tan in color. The breed has almond-shaped, dark eyes and erect, V-shaped ears. Adult Silky Terriers usually weigh between 3.5 and 4.5 kg and reach a shoulder height of 23 to 26 cm.

Grooming the Australian Silky Terrier

The silky coat of the Silky Terrier requires regular grooming to avoid matting. It is recommended that the coat is brushed daily and trimmed every few months. The ears and teeth should also be checked and cleaned regularly to prevent infections.

Detailed care instructions

  • Brushing: Daily brushing is necessary to keep the silky coat free of knots and tangles.
  • Bathing: Bathing once a month to keep the coat clean and shiny.
  • Teeth: Daily dental care with special dog toothbrushes and pastes.
  • Ears: Weekly cleaning of the ears to prevent infections.
  • Nails: Regular clipping of claws, approximately every 4-6 weeks.

Health of the Australian Silky Terrier

Silky Terriers are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds they can be prone to certain genetic conditions. These include patellar luxation, hip dysplasia and eye problems such as cataracts. Regular visits to the vet and a balanced diet will help to maintain good health.

Size and weight of the Australian Silky Terrier

An adult Silky Terrier reaches a shoulder height of 23 to 26 cm and weighs between 3.5 and 4.5 kg. Despite their small stature, they are muscular and well proportioned.

Exercise requirements and suitability for the city

Silky Terriers are active dogs that need daily exercise and mental stimulation. One or two long walks a day and playtime are ideal. Thanks to their adaptability, they are well suited to city life as long as they get enough exercise and activity.

Training recommendations

Silky Terriers are intelligent dogs that learn quickly and enjoy learning new tricks and commands. Positive reinforcement and consistent training are the key to success. Due to their terrier nature, they can sometimes be stubborn, so patience and consistency are important.

Behavior and interaction with children and other animals

Silky Terriers are friendly and loving dogs that get along well with children and other pets when properly socialized. They enjoy being part of the family and are often playful and patient with children. However, due to their natural hunting instinct, they should be supervised around small pets such as rodents and birds.

Recognition by the FCI

The Australian Silky Terrier is recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and belongs to Group 3: Terriers, Section 4: Miniature Terriers.


Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy



3 - Terrier





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Similar to Australian Silky Terrier

These dog breeds look similar to the Australian Silky Terrier or resemble it in character.