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The Akbash: A Turkish watchdog with heart and mind

The Akbash is an impressive dog breed that originally comes from Turkey. With its majestic appearance and courageous character, the Akbash has won many hearts over the centuries. In this article, we take a deep dive into the history of this special breed, looking at its characteristics and suitability as a pet, its care needs and much more.

History of the Akbash

The Akbash is an ancient dog breed with roots dating back to antiquity. It was originally bred in Turkey to guard and protect livestock. The name "Akbash" is derived from the Turkish word for "white head", referring to its distinctive white coat. The Akbash was specially selected and bred to be strong, courageous and independent - qualities that make it an excellent guard dog.

Who is the Akbash suitable for?

The Akbash is not suitable for everyone. This breed requires an experienced dog owner who is willing to invest time and energy in proper training and socialization. Due to its strong protective instincts and independence, the Akbash is particularly well suited to rural areas where it can live out its guarding role. In a city dwelling, on the other hand, it may feel uncomfortable and underchallenged.

Character of the Akbash

The Akbash is known for its loyalty, courage and independence. It is an excellent guard dog, suspicious of strangers but loyal and loving to its family. This breed is intelligent and capable of learning, but needs a confident owner who is able to provide clear and consistent leadership.

Appearance of the Akbash

The Akbash is a large and strong dog with a dense, white coat. He has almond-shaped eyes that give him an alert and intelligent expression. His ears are medium sized and pendulous, and his tail is bushy and carried in a slight curve. Males reach a shoulder height of 71 to 86 cm and weigh between 41 and 64 kg, while females are somewhat smaller and lighter.

Grooming the Akbash

Grooming the Akbash is relatively simple, but requires regular attention. Its double coat needs to be brushed at least once a week to prevent matting and remove loose hair. During the spring and fall coat change, brushing should be done more frequently. Another important aspect of grooming is regularly checking and cleaning the ears and trimming the claws.

Health of the Akbash

The Akbash is generally a healthy and robust breed, but as with all large dog breeds, there are some health issues to watch out for. These include hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are crucial to keeping the Akbash healthy.

Exercise and training

The Akbash needs plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and balanced. Long walks, plenty of room to run and play, and tasks that challenge his mind are essential. He is therefore better suited to life in the countryside than in a city apartment. Due to his intelligence and independence, early and consistent training is important to ensure he is well socialized and obedient.

Behavior and interactions

The Akbash is an excellent family dog that gets along well with children, provided he is properly socialized. Due to his protective instincts, he can be wary of strangers, but with proper introduction and socialization, he can learn to react in a friendly and calm manner. The Akbash generally gets along well with other animals, especially if he has grown up with them.

FCI recognition

The Akbash is not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). Nevertheless, it has established itself in many countries as a valued guard dog and loyal companion.


Country of origin


Height at withers
Life expectancy

Purpose of use



Not recognized

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Similar to Akbash

These dog breeds look similar to the Akbash or resemble it in character.