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How to have fun with your dog in the snow

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Winter is here and you want to get out into the white splendor with your dog? No problem! In this article, you'll find out how you can play in the snow with your four-legged friend without them freezing or getting injured. We'll also give you tips on how to get your dog clean and dry again after the snowy fun.

Why dogs love snow

Dogs are curious animals that love to discover new things. For many dogs, snow is something special that invites them to run around, sniff and dig. Snow is also cold and damp, which is pleasant for dogs that have thick fur and overheat quickly. Snow can therefore be a welcome change for your dog, especially if he usually only lives in the city.

What you should look out for when playing in the snow

As beautiful as snow is, it also harbors some dangers for your dog. You should therefore consider a few things before playing in the snow with your dog.

  • Check the temperature. If it's too cold, your dog can get frostbite on its paws or ears. As a rule of thumb, if you need gloves, your dog also needs a coat or booties.
  • Choose a safe place. Avoid roads, lakes or rivers that could be icy. Snow cannons or avalanches can also be dangerous. It's best to find an open space, such as a park or meadow, where your dog can run freely.
  • Pay attention to the snow. Not all snow is the same. Powder snow is light and fluffy, but also quickly worn away. Wet snow is heavier and stickier, but also more slippery and dirty. Ice snow is hard and sharp, but also shiny and reflective. Depending on the type of snow, you should adapt your play and observe your dog to see if he feels comfortable.
  • Play with suitable toys. Not every toy is suitable for the snow. Balls or Frisbees can get lost or freeze in the snow. They can also tempt your dog to run or jump too much, which can lead to injuries. It's better to use toys that light up or squeak, or ones that you can make yourself out of snow, such as snowballs or snowmen.
  • Reward your dog. Playing in the snow makes them hungry and thirsty. Don't forget to offer your dog water and treats in between. This not only boosts his energy, but also strengthens your bond.

How to play with your dog in the snow

Snowball catching: Shape light snowballs (not too hard so it stays safe for your dog) and throw them for your dog. Many dogs love to chase after the snowballs, especially if they fall apart on impact.

  • Hide and seek in the snow: Hide treats or his favorite toys in the snow and let your dog search for them. This stimulates his sense of smell and keeps him mentally stimulated.
  • Snow course: Build a small obstacle course out of snow. Small mounds of snow for your dog to climb over or tunnels for him to crawl through provide great physical and mental stimulation.
  • Pulling games: Use a rope or a sturdy toy for pulling games in the snow. The additional resistance from the snow makes the game even more interesting and strenuous.
  • Sledging: If you have a sled, you can teach your dog to run alongside you while you sled. Make sure it's safe for both of you and not too strenuous.
  • Make snow angels: Lie down in the snow and make snow angels while your dog plays next to you. Many dogs find it fun to watch their humans and join in.

How to care for your dog after playing in the snow

After playing in the snow, you should take good care of your dog to keep him healthy and happy.

  • Clean his paws. Your dog's paws are sensitive and can be irritated by salt, grit or grit. That's why you should wipe them with a damp cloth or rinse them with lukewarm water after a walk. Make sure that no lumps of ice or foreign objects get stuck between the pads.
  • Dry his coat. If your dog has gotten wet, you should rub him down with a towel or dry him with a hair dryer. Make sure he doesn't get cold or catch a cold. You can also offer him a warm place to rest, such as a blanket or basket.


Playing in the snow can be a great experience for you and your dog if you follow a few tips. Pay attention to the temperature, the location, the snow and the toys, and don't forget to reward and groom your dog. This way you can both enjoy the winter and become even closer.