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Goji berry

(Przekierowano z Goji)
Reprezentacja Goji

The goji berry is a small red fruit that originally comes from Asia and has become increasingly popular here in recent years. It is considered a superfood because it contains many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But is the goji berry also suitable for dogs? In this article, you will find out what goji berries are, what advantages and disadvantages they can have for your dog and how best to feed them.

What is a goji berry?

The goji berry, also known as wolfberry or buckthorn fruit, is the fruit of a plant from the nightshade family. It grows mainly in China, Tibet and Mongolia, where it has been used as a medicinal plant for thousands of years. The berries are oval and bright red. They taste sweet and sour and can be eaten fresh or dried.

What are the benefits of goji berries for dogs?

Goji berries have a number of positive properties that dogs can also benefit from. Firstly, it contains many important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, iron, zinc, copper, selenium and potassium. These can strengthen the immune system, improve eyesight, care for the skin and coat and promote cell health. Goji berries also have a high antioxidant effect, which can protect against free radicals. Free radicals are harmful molecules that are caused by environmental factors or metabolic processes and can lead to inflammation, ageing and disease. Antioxidants can neutralize them and thus reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.

What are the disadvantages of goji berries for dogs?

Goji berries are not suitable for every dog and should only be fed in moderation. For one thing, goji berries can cause allergic reactions such as itching, skin rashes or gastrointestinal complaints in some dogs. When you give your dog goji berries for the first time, you should therefore observe closely how he reacts to them. Goji berries can also interact with some medications and strengthen or weaken their effect. This applies in particular to blood-thinning or blood sugar-lowering medication. If your dog is taking such medication, you should talk to your vet beforehand about whether you can give them goji berries.

How do I feed my dog goji berries?

If you want to give your dog goji berries, you should pay attention to a few points. Firstly, you should only buy high-quality goji berries that do not contain any additives such as sugar or preservatives. Secondly, you should wash or soak the berries thoroughly before feeding them to remove any harmful substances. The berries should also be chopped or pureed so that the dog can digest them better. The recommended amount of goji berries for dogs is around one teaspoon per 10 kilograms of body weight per day. You can give the berries on their own or mix them into the food.


The goji berry is a healthy fruit that can also have a number of benefits for dogs. It can support the immune system, promote eyesight and protect against free radicals. However, goji berries should only be fed in small quantities and attention should be paid to possible side effects.

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