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Angel trumpets

(Omgeleid van Brugmansia)
Een weergave van Brugmansia

Angel's trumpets, with their seductive scent and impressive flowers, are a feast for the eyes in any garden. But behind their beauty lies a potential danger for our four-legged friends. In this article, we look at the angel's trumpet (Brugmansia) in all its facets, from its botanical description to the risks it can pose to dogs. Find out why, despite its attractiveness, this plant should be treated with caution if you have a furry companion by your side.

What are angel trumpets?

Angel's trumpets belong to the nightshade family (Solanaceae) and are mainly native to South America. They are characterized by their large, trumpet-shaped flowers, which can shine in various colors from white and yellow to pink and red. Angel's trumpets are not only popular because of their visual appeal, but also because of their intense, sweet fragrance, which is particularly noticeable in the evening.

Advantages of the angel's trumpet

Aesthetic enrichment

Angel's trumpets are undoubtedly an asset to any garden or balcony. Their impressive flowers and beguiling fragrance make them a highlight in garden design.

A magnet for pollinators

The flowers of the angel's trumpet attract pollinators such as butterflies and some moths, which contributes to the biodiversity of the garden.

Disadvantages and risks for dogs


All parts of the angel's trumpet are highly toxic. They contain dangerous alkaloids such as scopolamine, atropine and hyoscyamine, which can lead to severe symptoms of poisoning in dogs. Even eating small amounts can be dangerous.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of angel trumpet poisoning include severe agitation, dilated pupils, dry mucous membranes, increased heart rate, seizures and, in severe cases, coma or death. If you suspect that your dog has eaten angel's trumpet, seek veterinary help immediately.

Not a safe ornamental plant for households with dogs

Due to their high toxicity, angel's trumpets are not a safe choice for gardens or homes where dogs live. Dogs' curiosity and playfulness can lead them to consume parts of the plant, which can lead to serious health problems.


Angel trumpets are undoubtedly a visual asset to any garden, but their beauty comes with significant risks for pets, especially dogs. The toxicity of the plant can lead to severe, potentially life-threatening poisoning, which is why it is not recommended in households with dogs. If you want to design your garden with safe yet attractive plants, there are many alternatives that pose no danger to your four-legged family members. It is always advisable to check the suitability and safety of new plants for pets before purchasing them to avoid accidents and health risks. Angel trumpets may be pleasing to the eye, but your dog's safety should always take priority.

Leer nog meer over Brugmansia

Als je tekenen van overgevoeligheid of vergiftiging bij je hond opmerkt, moet je onmiddellijk je dierenarts raadplegen. Wij zijn geen vervanging voor een dierenarts, maar we proberen zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te zijn. Elke hond reageert anders en we raden je aan een second opinion te vragen of je dierenarts te raadplegen als je twijfelt.

Blijf gezond en zorg goed voor uw trouwe viervoeter! 😊

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