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Een weergave van Taurine

Taurine is an amino acid that is important for many functions in the body. But does your dog need taurine in its food? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of taurine for dogs? Find out more about this important nutrient in this article.

What is taurine?

Taurine is an amino acid that the body can produce from other amino acids. Taurine is involved in many processes in the body, such as the formation of bile acids, regulating the heartbeat, supporting the nervous system and promoting eye health.

Unlike cats, who cannot produce taurine themselves and are therefore dependent on a sufficient supply in their food, your dog can produce taurine himself. To do this, however, he needs enough cysteine and methionine, two sulphur-containing amino acids, which he must absorb from his food.

How much taurine does your dog need?

There is no precise information on how much taurine your dog needs every day. This depends on many factors, such as your dog's age, breed, state of health and the quality of their food. In general, however, a healthy dog that is fed a balanced diet can produce enough taurine itself.

However, there are some situations in which your dog could benefit from an extra dose of taurine. For example, if he has a heart condition that is associated with a taurine deficiency, such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). This disease leads to enlargement and weakening of the heart muscle and can be fatal. Some dog breeds, such as the Doberman, the Boxer or the Cocker Spaniel, are particularly susceptible to this.

Even if your dog is fed a diet that contains little or no meat, it can develop a taurine deficiency. This is because meat is the most important source of cysteine and methionine, the precursors of taurine. If you feed your dog a vegetarian or vegan diet, you should make sure that it is enriched with taurine or give him a taurine supplement.

How can you measure your dog's taurine level?

To find out whether your dog has enough taurine or not, you can have their blood taurine level measured. This is particularly useful if your dog shows symptoms of heart disease, such as shortness of breath, coughing, weakness or fainting. A normal taurine level is around 60 to 120 nmol/ml. If the level is below 40 nmol/ml, this is called a taurine deficiency.

If your dog has a taurine deficiency, your vet can recommend a suitable dosage of taurine that you can give him as a dietary supplement. The usual recommendation is around 500 to 1000 mg of taurine per day, depending on your dog's size and weight.

What are the benefits of taurine for dogs?

Taurine can provide many benefits for your dog, especially if they have heart disease or a taurine deficiency. Taurine can:

  • improve heart function and reduce the risk of DCM
  • Support nerve function and maintain vision
  • aid digestion and stimulate the production of bile acids
  • Increase performance and well-being

What are the disadvantages of taurine for dogs?

Taurine generally has no negative effects on dogs as long as it is given in appropriate amounts. An overdose of taurine is very rare and can only occur with very high doses that are far above the recommended levels. Possible side effects of taurine overdose include:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Nervousness and restlessness
  • Heart palpitations and high blood pressure

To avoid these risks, you should always discuss the dosage of taurine with your vet and follow the instructions on the label. You should also have your dog examined regularly to check its taurine level and adjust it if necessary.


Taurine is an important amino acid for dogs, which they can normally produce themselves. In some cases, however, a taurine deficiency can occur, which can lead to serious health problems. Supplementing taurine can then help your dog to improve its heart function, nerve function, digestion and performance.

Leer nog meer over Taurine

Als je tekenen van overgevoeligheid of vergiftiging bij je hond opmerkt, moet je onmiddellijk je dierenarts raadplegen. Wij zijn geen vervanging voor een dierenarts, maar we proberen zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te zijn. Elke hond reageert anders en we raden je aan een second opinion te vragen of je dierenarts te raadplegen als je twijfelt.

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