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Een weergave van Omega-6

Omega-6 is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is important for the health of dogs. Omega-6 is involved in many processes in the body, such as regulating inflammation, supporting the immune system and promoting skin and coat. Omega-6 cannot be produced by the body itself, but must be ingested through food. It is therefore important that you provide your dog with a balanced diet rich in omega-6.

Benefits of omega-6 for dogs

Omega-6 has many positive effects on the health of dogs. Some of them are:

  • Omega-6 helps reduce inflammation that can be caused by allergies, arthritis or other conditions. This can relieve pain and improve mobility.
  • Omega-6 supports the immune system and helps fight off infections. This is especially important for older dogs or those with weakened defenses.
  • Omega-6 promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat. Omega-6 ensures that the skin can retain moisture and protects it from drying out and flaking. Omega-6 also gives the coat a beautiful shine and makes it soft and supple.

Disadvantages of omega-6 for dogs

Omega-6 is essential for dogs, but too much can be harmful. Some possible disadvantages are:

  • Omega-6 can lead to an overproduction of inflammatory messengers, which can contribute to chronic inflammation in the body. This can increase the risk of various diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or cancer.
  • Omega-6 can disrupt the balance between omega-6 and omega-3, both of which should be in an optimal ratio to each other. Too high a level of omega-6 can inhibit the effect of omega-3, which also has anti-inflammatory and health-promoting properties.
  • Omega-6 can lead to overweight or obesity if consumed in excessive amounts. Omega-6 is a very high calorie fatty acid that can easily lead to weight gain if not consumed.

How much omega-6 does your dog need?

The optimal amount of omega-6 for your dog depends on various factors, such as his age, size, activity level and health. There is no universal recommendation for the daily intake of omega-6 for dogs, but a guideline is around 1 to 2 percent of total calories. However, you should always make sure that you also give your dog enough omega-3 to ensure a good balance between the two fatty acids. A good ratio is between 5:1 and 10:1 in favor of omega-6.

Which foods contain omega-6?

Omega-6 is found in many plant and animal foods. Some good sources of omega-6 are:

  • Vegetable oils such as sunflower oil, corn oil or safflower oil
  • Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, almonds or sunflower seeds
  • Meat such as beef, pork or poultry
  • eggs
  • Dairy products such as cheese or yogurt

You can offer your dog these foods as part of his diet or give him special food or supplements containing omega-6.


Omega-6 is an important fatty acid for dogs that has many benefits for their health. However, omega-6 should be fed in moderation and in a balanced ratio to omega-3 to avoid potential disadvantages. You can feed your dog omega-6 through various foods or diets, but always make sure the dosage and quality is correct.

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Rich in fatty acids Oil Seed Tolerated in small quantities

Leer nog meer over Omega-6

Als je tekenen van overgevoeligheid of vergiftiging bij je hond opmerkt, moet je onmiddellijk je dierenarts raadplegen. Wij zijn geen vervanging voor een dierenarts, maar we proberen zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te zijn. Elke hond reageert anders en we raden je aan een second opinion te vragen of je dierenarts te raadplegen als je twijfelt.

Blijf gezond en zorg goed voor uw trouwe viervoeter! 😊

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