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What is X-ray?

X-rays are an imaging method that uses X-rays to visualize the inside of your dog. This technique is often used to diagnose broken bones, foreign bodies or diseases such as arthritis.

When is an X-ray necessary?

If your dog is in pain, limping or has suffered an injury, an X-ray can help to find the cause. This method is also used as a preventative measure or before surgical procedures.

Preparing for the x-ray

Before your dog is x-rayed, you should speak to your vet and make all the necessary preparations. This usually includes fasting your dog before the appointment.

The X-ray examination procedure

Your dog will be placed on a special table and must remain still during the scan. Sometimes light sedation is necessary to obtain clear images.

After the examination

After the x-ray, the vet will usually explain the results directly to you. Depending on the findings, the appropriate treatment can then be initiated.


Gli autori partono dal presupposto che un veterinario debba essere consultato se un animale è malato e che i farmaci debbano essere assunti solo dopo aver consultato un medico o un farmacista. Solo un esame individuale può portare a una diagnosi e a una decisione sul trattamento.

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