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Source of nitrate

The property "source of nitrate" in an ingredient for dog food refers to the fact that this ingredient naturally contains nitrates. Nitrates are chemical compounds found in many plants, especially leafy vegetables such as spinach or beet. They can also be produced synthetically and added to food or feed.

Nitrates play a controversial role in the diet of dogs. On the one hand, nitrates can be converted into nitrite, which can be harmful to dogs in high quantities as it can impair the blood's ability to transport oxygen. On the other hand, there are indications that nitrates in very small quantities could have positive effects on health due to their vasodilatory properties (they dilate the blood vessels).

Evaluating whether a "source of nitrate" in dog food is beneficial or detrimental depends on several factors, including the amount of nitrate intake, the dog's health and specific needs, and the overall composition of the diet. It is important to look at a dog's diet holistically and ensure that all ingredients are in balance and meet the dog's individual requirements.

If you have concerns about the source of nitrates in a dog food or are unsure how this might affect your dog's health, I recommend consulting a vet or a specialist canine nutritionist. They will be able to give you an expert opinion and help you design the optimal diet for your dog.


Can improve the absorption of nutrients Low glycemic index Superfood Colorants Natural colorant Natural sweetener Can help regulate blood pressure Can support heart health Can support kidney function Can support wound healing May have anti-inflammatory properties Can support skin and coat health Source of nitrate Important for cell health Plant Rich in essential substances Rich in antioxidants Rich in fiber Rich in iron Rich in folic acid Rich in minerals Rich in nutrients Rich in trace elements Rich in vitamins Safe feeding