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Reduces drive behavior

When a dog food ingredient is said to "reduce urges", it means that this ingredient can help to reduce certain instinctive or hormonal behaviors in your dog. Instinctual behaviors often refer to activities associated with reproductive urges (such as marking territory or seeking a mate), aggression or excessive energy.

The idea behind such ingredients is that certain nutrients, herbs or additives can have a calming effect on your dog or influence the hormonal system in such a way that the dog becomes more balanced. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of such ingredients can vary from dog to dog and that they are not a substitute for good education and training.


Can have an appetizing effect Stimulating Calming effect Reduces drive behavior Supports digestion conditionally compatible Tolerated in small quantities Potential source of danger
Valerian root
Can have an appetizing effect Calming effect Reduces drive behavior Supports digestion Tolerated in small quantities Potential source of danger
Valerian tea