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May have antibacterial properties

The term "may have antibacterial properties" in relation to dog food indicates that one or more ingredients in the food contain substances that can inhibit the growth of bacteria or slow down their multiplication. These properties are particularly useful for maintaining the dog's oral hygiene and preventing dental problems, but can also have a positive effect on the dog's digestive system and general health.

Antibacterial properties in dog food can come from natural sources such as certain herbs, spices or other specific ingredients. For example, some plant extracts, essential oils or certain vitamins and minerals have proven antibacterial effects.

However, it is important to note that the antibacterial properties of food supplements are usually less potent than those of medicinal antibiotics and are mainly used to promote the dog's general health and well-being rather than to treat specific bacterial infections. A veterinarian should always be consulted if a serious bacterial infection is suspected.


Intended for human consumption May have antibacterial properties May have antioxidant properties Aroma Vegetable Seasonal vegetables May have anti-inflammatory properties Garden plant Spice plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Winter onion