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Hormones play a crucial role in the body of dogs and influence a variety of physiological processes, including growth, metabolism and reproduction. These chemical messengers are produced by various glands in the body and transported via the bloodstream to their target organs, where they trigger and regulate specific functions.

Important hormones and their functions

  1. Cortisol: Produced in the adrenal cortex, cortisol helps the body to respond to stress, but also supports glucose metabolism and the immune system. An over- or underproduction of cortisol can lead to diseases such as Cushing's syndrome or Addison's disease.
  2. Insulin: This hormone produced in the pancreas is crucial for regulating blood sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus, a common disease in dogs, occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot respond to it properly.
  3. Thyroxine (T4): Produced by the thyroid gland, thyroxine plays a central role in regulating metabolism. Hypothyroidism, a common thyroid disorder in dogs, is characterized by insufficient production of this hormone.
  4. Estrogen and testosterone: These sex hormones are essential for reproduction and also influence many other aspects of health and behavior. Imbalances can lead to various reproductive and behavioral problems.

Diagnosis and management of hormonal imbalances

Diagnosis of hormonal imbalances in dogs often requires a combination of blood tests, imaging, and sometimes specialized dynamic tests that evaluate the function of specific glands. Treatment depends on the specific disorder and may include medication to normalize hormone production, surgery or dietary adjustments.

The role of diet in hormone health

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining hormone health in dogs. Certain nutrients, such as essential fatty acids and certain vitamins and minerals, are important for hormone synthesis and overall glandular function. A customized diet can help manage hormonal imbalances and support overall wellness.


Chemistry Hormone can have effects on the nervous system Can help regulate blood pressure Important for the water and electrolyte balance