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Garden plant

When an ingredient for dog food is referred to as "garden plant", it means that this ingredient comes from a plant that is typically grown in gardens. Garden plants can include a variety of plant species, including vegetables, herbs, fruits or even certain types of flowers that are suitable for human or animal consumption.

For use in dog food, this means that the ingredient in question is of plant origin and comes from a plant that could normally be grown in a garden. It is important to know that not all garden plants are safe for dogs. Some can be poisonous or have unpleasant side effects. Therefore, you should make sure that all plant-based ingredients in dog food are safe for your dog.


Traditional use in phytotherapy Plant Garden plant Medicinal plant Ornamental plant conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Highly toxic Compatibility unknown
Shade flowers
Plant Garden plant Underwater plant Ornamental plant Compatibility unknown
Water lily family
Plant Garden plant Spice plant Medicinal plant Herb conditionally compatible Feeding not recommended Potential source of danger
Wild garlic
Intended for human consumption May have antibacterial properties May have antioxidant properties Aroma Vegetable Seasonal vegetables May have anti-inflammatory properties Garden plant Spice plant Feeding toxic Feeding not recommended
Winter onion
Garden plant Feeding toxic Highly toxic Not suitable for consumption by dogs Potential source of danger