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Essential nutrient

An "essential nutrient" in dog nutrition is a nutrient that your dog's body cannot produce in sufficient quantities itself. These nutrients must be consumed through food to ensure your dog's health and well-being.

Essential nutrients include certain amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. A deficiency in any of these nutrients can lead to health problems as they play a central role in various bodily functions such as building tissue, producing energy and maintaining the immune system.

For example, taurine and arginine are essential amino acids for dogs. Without sufficient amounts of these amino acids, dogs can develop heart problems or a weakened immune system, among other things.

It is therefore important to make sure that your dog's food contains all the necessary essential nutrients in the right amounts. High-quality dog food is designed to meet these needs.


Essential nutrient Promotes bone growth Common ingredient in dog food Helps with the formation of tooth substance Can improve the absorption of nutrients Mineral substance Source of calcium Source of phosphate Supports bone and tooth structure Important for the water and electrolyte balance Important for cell health Important for metabolic processes Food supplements
Calcium phosphate