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Cooling effect

The "cooling effect" in dog nutrition refers to foods that can have a cooling or calming effect on your dog's body. This term comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where foods are categorized as cooling, neutral and warming.

Cooling foods help to reduce excess heat in your dog's body, which can be particularly useful for dogs that are prone to overheating, skin problems or inflammation. Examples of cooling foods include:

  • Cucumbers
  • watermelons
  • spinach
  • celery
  • Fish such as cod or trout

The idea is that these foods help to restore balance in your dog's body and maintain a balanced body temperature. If your dog often seems overheated or suffers from skin problems, a diet of cooling foods could be helpful. However, it is important to consider your dog's individual needs and consult a vet or nutritionist if you are unsure.


Promotes fresh breath May have antibacterial properties May have antioxidant properties Cooling effect Natural source of antioxidants Aroma Calming effect May have antifungal properties Can influence the mood Supports digestion May have anti-inflammatory properties Traditional use in phytotherapy Use in animal care Plant Spice plant Medicinal plant Herb Herbal sedative Tolerated in small quantities