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Contains grains

When an ingredient in dog food is referred to as "grain", it means that the food contains grains such as wheat, corn, rice, barley or oats. Grains are often used as a source of energy and can provide fiber, vitamins and minerals that can be important to your dog's diet. However, there is debate about the digestibility and nutritional value of grains for dogs, especially as some dogs may have poor tolerance or allergic reactions to grains. It is important to pay attention to your dog's specific needs and possible food intolerances and, if necessary, choose a grain-free alternative if this is more suitable for their health and well-being.


Rich in essential substances Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Meat Vegetable Contains grains Legume Fruit Animal product Compatibility Tolerated in small quantities
Rich in fiber Contains grains Safe feeding Tolerated in small quantities
Rice starch
Contains grains
Rich in fatty acids Food Contains grains Plant Compatibility Safe feeding
Sunflower seeds
Food Contains grains Legume Plant Feeding not recommended
Vegetable by-products
Rich in fiber Rich in minerals Rich in proteins Rich in vitamins Contains grains Safe feeding conditionally compatible
Wholemeal oat flour