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Walnut shells

If you have a walnut tree in your garden, you know the problem: walnut shells scattered everywhere, especially after the harvest season in the fall. While these natural remains are at most a nuisance for humans when mowing the lawn, they can pose a serious danger to our four-legged friends. In this article, we explore the effects of walnut shells on dogs by examining their nature and discussing both potential benefits and risks.

What are walnut shells?

Walnut shells are the hard, outer shells that surround the edible kernel of the walnut. They consist of two halves that fall apart when the nut is cracked open. Walnut shells are extremely hard and durable, which makes them a popular grinding and polishing material in both industrial processing and DIY applications.

Advantages of walnut shells for dogs

A natural toy?

At first glance, the hard, nibbleable shells might appear to be a type of natural toy for dogs. They are sturdy and could theoretically help to strengthen the chewing muscles or clean the teeth.

Disadvantages of walnut shells for dogs

Risk of internal injuries

The hardness and sharp edges of walnut shells can cause serious injury to the mouth, throat and digestive tract of dogs. Ingestion of shell fragments can cause cuts, blockages and other obstructive digestive problems.

Chemical treatment

Walnuts and their shells may be treated with pesticides and other chemicals that are harmful to dogs. Chewing or swallowing such chemically treated shells can lead to symptoms of poisoning.

Mold toxins

As with walnuts themselves, molds can also grow on walnut shells, especially if they become damp. These molds can produce aflatoxins, which are highly toxic to dogs and can lead to severe liver disease.

Handling walnut shells and dogs

The safest course of action is to prevent your dog's access to walnut shells. Keep the garden clean and remove fallen nuts and shells regularly to minimize the risk of accidental ingestion. Monitor your dog carefully in areas where walnut shells may be present and, if in doubt, use a lead to maintain control.


While walnut shells may appear to be a harmless, natural toy at first glance, the potential risks to your dog's health and safety far outweigh the benefits. The risk of internal injury, the possibility of chemical contamination and the risk of mold toxins make it imperative that dog owners recognize them as a source of danger and take appropriate precautions. By keeping your dog's environment safe and free from such hazards, you can help protect the health and well-being of your four-legged friend.

Learn even more about Walnut shells

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊