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Valerian extract

A representation of Valerian extract

In the world of dog nutrition and care, there are countless ingredients designed to support the well-being of our faithful companions. One of these ingredients that has been receiving more and more attention recently is valerian extract. This article dives deep into the topic of valerian extract, highlighting what it is, its potential benefits as well as the drawbacks of its use in dogs.

What is valerian extract?

Valerian extract is obtained from the roots of the valerian plant (Valeriana officinalis), a perennial known for its calming properties. Valerian has been used in human naturopathy for centuries as a means of promoting sleep and reducing anxiety. For dogs, valerian extract can be used in a similar way, coming in the form of drops, tablets or as an ingredient in calming treats.

Benefits of valerian extract for dogs

Natural calming

One of the main benefits of valerian extract is its ability to have a natural calming effect on dogs. It can be particularly useful in stressful situations such as thunderstorms, fireworks, traveling or separation anxiety. Valerian works by supporting the natural regulation of nerve signals in the brain, resulting in overall calming.

Promoting sleep

For dogs that have difficulty settling down or sleeping through the night, valerian extract can help promote a healthier sleep pattern. Its relaxing properties can help your dog fall asleep faster and potentially sleep more deeply and undisturbed.

Support for behavioral problems

Behavioral problems resulting from anxiety, hyperactivity or stress can be alleviated in some dogs with the use of valerian extract. It can be used as part of a comprehensive behavior modification program to help your dog react in a calmer and more balanced way.

Disadvantages of valerian extract

Variable reactions

Not all dogs react the same way to valerian extract. While some may show significant calming, others may have unexpected reactions or show no change in their behavior at all. It is important to observe your dog's individual reaction and adjust the dosage or consider alternative methods if necessary.

Possible side effects

Although valerian extract is generally considered safe for use in dogs, side effects can occur in rare cases. These include gastrointestinal discomfort, lethargy or, on the contrary, excessive excitement. If there are any signs of a negative reaction, you should discontinue use immediately and consult a vet.

Interactions with other medications

If your dog is already taking medication, it is crucial to speak to a vet before introducing valerian extract. Valerian can interact with certain medications and interfere with their effectiveness or lead to unwanted side effects.


Valerian extract can be a valuable natural supplement to support your dog's wellbeing, particularly in terms of calming and promoting sleep. However, as with any supplement, it's important to weigh up the potential benefits against the possible drawbacks. Observing your dog's individual reaction, finding the right dosage and seeking professional advice when in doubt are crucial steps to ensure that valerian extract helps your four-legged friend without harming them. Ultimately, when used responsibly, valerian extract can help improve your dog's quality of life naturally.

Learn even more about Valerian extract

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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