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Soybean meal

A representation of Soybean meal

Soybean meal is a vegetable product obtained from de-oiled and ground soybeans. It contains a lot of protein and is often used as a source of protein in dog food. But is soybean meal really good for your dog? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Find out more about soybean meal in relation to dogs in this article.

What is soybean flour?

Soybeans are pulses that originally come from Asia and are now cultivated worldwide. They are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Various products are made from soybeans, such as soy milk, tofu, soy sauce and soybean flour.

Soybean meal is the result of extracting the oil from the soybeans. The de-oiled and dried press cake is then ground into a fine powder. There are different types of soybean flour, depending on how much protein and fat they contain. The protein content of soybean flour is between 40 and 55 percent, the fat content between 0.5 and 10 percent.

Why is soybean meal used in dog food?

Soybean meal is mainly used as a source of protein in dog food. Protein is an important nutrient for dogs as it is needed to build and maintain muscles, skin, coat, nails and other body substances. Protein is also involved in hormone production.

Dogs are omnivores and can utilize both animal and vegetable protein. However, animal protein is generally of higher quality as it contains more essential amino acids that dogs cannot produce themselves. Essential amino acids are, for example, lysine, methionine or tryptophan.

Soybean meal also contains many essential amino acids, but not in the optimum ratio for dogs. Soybean meal should therefore not be the only or main source of protein in dog food, but should always be combined with animal protein sources such as meat, fish, dairy products or eggs.

Another reason for using soybean meal in dog food is the price. Vegetable protein sources are generally cheaper than animal protein sources. They also have a longer shelf life and are easier to store.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of soybean meal in dog food?

Soybean meal has both advantages and disadvantages in dog food. Here are some of them:


  • Soybean meal is a plant-based source of protein that is suitable for vegetarian or vegan dogs.
  • In addition to protein, soybean meal also contains other nutrients such as fiber, vitamins (especially B vitamins) and minerals (especially iron and calcium).
  • Soybean meal can help lower cholesterol and promote heart health.
  • Soybean meal can be an alternative for dogs that are allergic to certain animal proteins.


  • Soybean meal is not as high quality as animal protein and cannot meet a dog's protein needs on its own.
  • Soybean meal can trigger allergies or intolerances in some dogs, such as skin problems, itching, diarrhea or flatulence.
  • Soybean meal contains so-called antinutrients, which can impair digestion and the absorption of other nutrients. These include, for example, phytic acid, which reduces the availability of minerals, or trypsin inhibitors, which inhibit protein digestion. These anti-nutrients can be reduced by heating or fermentation, but cannot be completely eliminated.
  • Soybean meal can disrupt the dog's hormone balance as it contains phytoestrogens, which have an estrogen-like effect. This can lead to problems, especially in puppies, pregnant or nursing bitches or castrated males.

Soybean meal is a plant-based product that is high in protein and other nutrients. It is often used as a source of protein in dog food, but should not be the only or main source of protein. Soybean meal has both advantages and disadvantages in dog food and can be tolerated differently depending on the dog. You should therefore always pay attention to the composition and quality of the dog food and observe how your dog reacts to soybean meal.

Learn even more about Soybean meal

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊