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Rabbit kidney

A representation of Rabbit kidney

Rabbit kidneys are a popular snack for dogs that offer many benefits. But what are rabbit kidneys and how do they affect your dog's health? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about this ingredient.

What are rabbit kidneys?

Rabbit kidneys are the kidneys of rabbits that are a by-product of slaughter. They belong to the so-called offal, which has a high nutritional value. Rabbit kidneys contain a lot of protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. They are also low in fat and easy to digest.

What are the benefits of rabbit kidneys for dogs?

Rabbit kidneys can have many benefits for your dog if you feed them in moderation. On the one hand, they can strengthen your dog's immune system as they provide many important minerals and vitamins. Secondly, they can support your dog's kidney function as they have a diuretic effect and flush out toxins. Rabbit kidneys are also a good alternative for dogs with allergies or intolerances to other types of meat, as they are hypoallergenic.

What are the disadvantages of rabbit kidneys for dogs?

Rabbit kidneys are not without risk for your dog. For one thing, they can contain bacteria or parasites that can lead to diarrhea or vomiting. That's why you should always cook or freeze rabbit kidneys thoroughly before giving them to your dog. Secondly, rabbit kidneys can contain too much phosphorus, which can lead to an imbalance in the calcium-phosphorus ratio. This can lead to bone problems, especially in puppies or older dogs. You should therefore always combine rabbit kidneys with a calcium-rich food or only give them occasionally as a treat.

How do you feed rabbit kidneys to dogs?

You can give your dog raw or cooked rabbit kidneys. If you want to feed them raw, you should freeze them for at least three weeks beforehand to kill any germs. If you want to feed them cooked, you should cook them in a little water without salt or spices. You can give rabbit kidneys as a main meal or as a supplement to dry or wet food. The amount depends on the size and weight of your dog. As a rule of thumb, feed one to two percent of body weight per day in offal.


Rabbit kidneys are a healthy snack for dogs that offers many benefits. They are rich in protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B12 and can boost your dog's immune system and kidney function. They are also a good alternative for dogs with allergies or intolerances to other types of meat. However, you should always cook rabbit kidneys thoroughly or freeze them to avoid bacteria or parasites. You should also always combine rabbit kidneys with a calcium-rich food or only give them occasionally as a treat to avoid an imbalance in the calcium-phosphorus ratio.

Learn even more about Rabbit kidney

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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