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Bitter fringed gentian

(Redirected from Leaf-angled gentian)
A representation of Leaf-angled gentian

Bitter fringed gentian is a plant species from the gentian family that occurs in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. The plant has reddish-purple flowers and is also known as bitter gentian, autumn gentian or leaf-angled gentian. It is used in naturopathy as a bitter tonic that stimulates digestion and metabolism. But can bitter gentian also help dogs? In this article, you can find out more about this medicinal plant and its advantages and disadvantages for your four-legged friend.

What is bitter gentian?

Bitter fringed gentian is a biennial herbaceous plant that forms a rosette of leaves in the first year and produces a stem with flowers in the second year. The plant grows on dry, sandy or calcareous soils, but can also be found on alternately moist peat or marl soils. It flowers from August to October and reaches a height of 10 to 50 cm. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and have a bearded corolla. The plant contains various bitter substances, such as gentianin, amarogentin and gentioflavoside, which are responsible for its healing properties.

How does bitter gentian work?

Bitter gentian acts as a bitter tonic that promotes the production of gastric juice, saliva and bile. This improves digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients. In addition, bitter gentian stimulates the metabolism and has a blood-purifying, anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effect. Bitter gentian can also help with loss of appetite, gastrointestinal complaints, liver and gallbladder problems, anemia, fatigue and infections.

How can bitter gentian help dogs?

Bitter gentian can also help dogs that suffer from the same ailments as humans. The plant can be administered as a tea, tincture or powder, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the dog's tolerance. The dosage should always be individually adjusted and supervised by a vet or veterinary practitioner. A general recommendation is to give 0.5 to 1 ml tincture per 10 kg body weight or 0.5 to 1 g powder per 10 kg body weight daily. The tea can be prepared from 1 to 2 g of dried flowers per cup of water and offered to the dog in small sips.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bitter gentian for dogs?

Bitter fringed gentian has several benefits for dogs suffering from digestive problems or other chronic conditions. The plant can improve the dog's quality of life by aiding its digestion, stimulating its appetite, boosting its immune system and increasing its vitality. In addition, bitter gentian is a natural alternative to synthetic medications, which often have side effects.

However, bitter gentian also has some disadvantages for dogs that need to be taken into account. The plant has a very bitter taste that is disliked by many dogs. Therefore, it often needs to be mixed with other ingredients to make it more palatable. In addition, bitter gentian can cause stomach irritation, vomiting, diarrhea or allergic reactions if overdosed or used incorrectly. The plant should therefore always be used with caution and under expert guidance. In addition, bitter gentian should not be used on pregnant or nursing bitches, dogs with stomach ulcers or dogs taking blood-thinning medication.


Bitter fringed gentian is a medicinal plant that can help both humans and dogs to improve their digestion and metabolism. The plant has a long tradition in naturopathy and can be used for various ailments. However, bitter gentian should always be administered with caution and after consultation with a vet or veterinary practitioner to avoid possible side effects or interactions. If you want to give your dog bitter gentian, you should therefore inform yourself well and choose the right dosage and form.

Learn even more about Leaf-angled gentian

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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