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Horse tongues

A representation of Horse tongues

Horse tongue is an ingredient you may not have seen in your dog food before. But what is horse tongue and how does it affect your dog? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about horse tongues for dogs.

What are horse tongues?

Horse tongues is the name for the windpipe of horses. It is an animal by-product that is often used as a snack or as an additive to dog food. Horse tongues are rich in protein, cartilage and collagen, making it a nutritious and tasty ingredient.

What are the benefits of horse tongues for dogs?

Horse tongues have several benefits for your dog's health and well-being. For one, it can strengthen your dog's joints as it contains a lot of collagen, which is important for the formation of cartilage and connective tissue. On the other hand, it can clean your dog's teeth as it creates a natural abrasion when chewing. It can also aid your dog's digestion as it provides fiber that stimulates the intestines.

What are the disadvantages of horse tongues for dogs?

Horse tongues are not suitable for every dog. There are some disadvantages that you should consider before giving your dog horse tongues. Firstly, horse tongues can trigger allergic reactions if your dog is sensitive to horse meat. On the other hand, horse tongues can lead to obesity if your dog eats too much of them. Horse tongues are very high in calories and should therefore only be given in moderation. Horse tongues can also cause injuries if your dog chews too hastily or chokes on a piece. Horse tongues in dried form can have sharp edges or splinter, which can lead to cuts or blockages in the throat or stomach.

How can you give your dog horse tongues?

If you want to give your dog horse tongues, you should follow a few tips to minimize the risk of side effects. Firstly, you should always make sure that you buy high-quality horse tongue that is free from additives or preservatives. Secondly, you should always choose the right size and quantity for your dog. Horse tongues come in different shapes and sizes, depending on how large the horse's windpipe was. You should choose a piece that suits your dog's size and chewing behavior. Thirdly, you should always keep an eye on your dog when he is chewing horse tongues. You should provide him with enough water and make sure that he doesn't eat too quickly or too greedily.


Horse tongues are an ingredient that can have many benefits for your dog, but also some disadvantages. You should do your research before giving your dog horse tongues and always pay attention to his reaction. If you follow these tips, you can offer your dog a tasty and healthy change.

Learn even more about Horse tongues

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊