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Horse hearts

A representation of Horse hearts

Horse hearts are a popular ingredient in barf food for dogs. Barf stands for biologically species-appropriate raw feeding and means that dogs are fed raw meat and other ingredients that correspond to their natural diet. But what exactly are horse hearts and what advantages and disadvantages do they have for your dog? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about this ingredient.

What are horse hearts?

Horse hearts are the heart muscles of horses that are kept for slaughter. They are rich in protein, iron and vitamin B12 and are high in taurine, an amino acid that is important for heart health. Horse hearts are also low in fat and have a mild flavor that many dogs like.

How are horse hearts fed?

Horse hearts can be fed raw or cooked. Raw has the advantage that it contains more nutrients and cleans the teeth. When cooked, they are easier to digest and more hygienic. However, you should make sure that you do not add any spices or salt, as these can be harmful to your dog. You should also cut or chop the horse hearts into small pieces so that your dog can chew them better.

How much horse heart can my dog eat?

The amount of horse hearts you can give your dog depends on its age, weight, activity level and state of health. In general, however, horse hearts should not make up more than 10% of the daily food ration. This is because horse hearts have many advantages, but also some disadvantages.

What are the benefits of horse hearts for dogs?

Horse hearts have several benefits for dogs:

  • They are a high-quality source of protein, which promotes muscle building and regeneration.
  • They contain a lot of iron, which is important for the formation of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen.
  • They provide vitamin B12, which is essential for nerve function and cell division.
  • They have a high taurine content, which supports the cardiovascular system and can prevent heart disease.
  • They are low in fat and calories, which is good for your dog's figure.

What are the disadvantages of horse hearts for dogs?

Horse hearts also have some disadvantages for dogs:

  • They can contain bacteria or parasites that can lead to diarrhea or vomiting. You should therefore always make sure that horse hearts are of good quality and fresh and freeze or cook them if necessary.
  • They can trigger allergies or intolerances, especially in dogs that are sensitive to horse meat. You should therefore always pay attention to your dog's reaction and consult a vet if there are signs such as itching or a skin rash.
  • They can lead to an oversupply of certain nutrients if they are fed too often or too much. This can lead to health problems such as kidney stones or blood clotting disorders. That's why you should always make sure your dog has a balanced diet and not just feed them horse hearts.

Horse hearts are a healthy and tasty ingredient for your barf food. They have many advantages for your dog, but also some disadvantages. You should therefore only feed them in moderation and alternate them with other types of meat and ingredients.

Learn even more about Horse hearts

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊