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Hop cones

A representation of Hop cones

Hop cones are the female inflorescences of the true hop (Humulus lupulus), a plant species from the hemp family. Hop cones are mainly used for brewing beer, as they give the beer flavor, aroma and shelf life. But hop cones also have other properties that may be of interest to you and your dog. In this article you can find out more about hop cones and their effect on dogs.

What are hop cones?

Hop cones are cone-like spikes consisting of many small scales. On these scales are small yellow glands that contain the resin lupulin. Lupulin is the main active ingredient in hop cones and is made up of various bitter substances, essential oils and flavonoids. Hop cones are harvested in late summer and dried before further processing.

What are the benefits of hop cones?

Hop cones have a calming and sleep-promoting effect on humans and animals. They can therefore help with restlessness, nervousness, anxiety or sleep disorders. Hop cones also have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. They can therefore be used for skin problems, wounds or infections. Hop cones also have a digestive effect and can help with flatulence or stomach problems.

What are the disadvantages of hop cones?

Hop cones are not suitable for every dog. Some dogs can have an allergic reaction to hop cones or develop an intolerance. Symptoms may include itching, skin rash, swelling or breathing difficulties. In this case, a vet should be consulted immediately. Hop cones can also lead to poisoning if consumed in large quantities. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, fever or cramps. In this case, too, a vet must be consulted immediately.

How can I use hop cones for my dog?

Hop cones can be used in various ways for your dog. For example, you can make a tea from hop cones and give it to your dog to drink lukewarm or pour it over his food. You can also add a few drops of an alcoholic extract of hop cones to your dog's drinking water or on a treat. You can also make an ointment from hop cones and apply it to your dog's skin or take a bath with hop cones.

How much hop cones can my dog be given?

The dosage of hop cones depends on your dog's size, weight and state of health. As a general rule: less is more. Always start with a low dose and observe the effect. If your dog shows no side effects, you can slowly increase the dose. The recommended daily dose is around 0.5 g of dried hop cones per 10 kg of your dog's body weight. This corresponds to about one teaspoon per 10 kg of body weight.


Hop cones are a natural and versatile plant that can help your dog with various ailments. They have a calming, anti-inflammatory and digestive effect.

Properties 5

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Rich in proteins Rich in trace elements Contains grains Plant Tolerated in small quantities

Learn even more about Hop cones

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊