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Good Heinrich

(Redirected from Green Henry)
A representation of Green Henry
By Thomas Mathis - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

You may have heard of Good Henry, an ancient vegetable that is native to Europe. But did you know that you can give it to your dog? In this article you will learn more about Good Henry, its properties and its advantages and disadvantages for your four-legged friend.

What is Good Henry?

Good Henry (Chenopodium bonus-henricus) is a plant from the foxtail family, which also includes spinach and chard. It grows mainly in damp and shady locations and has large, triangular leaves and small green flowers. It has been cultivated and eaten as a vegetable since the Middle Ages, but has been somewhat forgotten in recent decades.

It contains many vitamins (especially A, C and K), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium) and fiber. It has a mild taste and a soft consistency. It can be eaten raw or cooked, for example as a salad, soup or casserole.

Why is Guter Heinrich good for dogs?

Good Henry can be a healthy addition to your dog's diet, especially when it is fresh. It provides him with important nutrients that strengthen his immune system, aid his digestion and strengthen his bones and teeth. It can also help him maintain his weight or lose weight, as it contains few calories.

Good Henry can also help your dog with various ailments, such as skin problems, inflammation or anemia. It has a detoxifying, draining and blood-purifying effect. It can also be used as a wound healing agent by crushing it and applying it to the affected area.

What are the disadvantages of Good Henry for my dog?

Good Henry is a healthy vegetable, but should not be fed in large quantities or too frequently. It contains oxalic acid, which can damage your dog's kidneys in high doses. Oxalic acid combines with calcium and forms crystals that can lead to kidney stones.

Good Henry can also trigger allergic reactions or intolerances in some dogs. This can manifest itself in diarrhea, vomiting or itching, for example.

How do I feed my dog Guter Heinrich?

If you want to feed your dog Guter Heinrich, there are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Choose fresh and organic Guter Heinrich or grow it yourself. Avoid vegetables from the supermarket or from conventional cultivation, as they may be contaminated with pesticides or other harmful substances.
  • Wash the Good Henry thoroughly and remove the stalks. Cut it into small pieces or puree it.
  • Boil the Good Henry briefly in water or steam. This reduces the oxalic acid content and makes it more digestible.
  • Mix the Good Henry into your dog's food or give it a few spoonfuls as a treat. Do not feed more than 10 % of the daily requirement of Good Henry.
  • Observe your dog after feeding Guter Heinrich for possible signs of discomfort or intolerance.

Good Henry is a plant with large leaves that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can be a healthy addition to a dog's diet as it strengthens the immune system, aids digestion and can strengthen bones and teeth. However, good henry should be fed in moderation and when cooked, as it contains oxalic acid, which can be harmful if consumed in excess. It is important to be aware of possible allergic reactions or intolerances in your dog.

Learn even more about Green Henry

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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