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Dry egg

A representation of Dry egg

Dried egg is a dried whole egg that you can use for various purposes. In this article you will find out what dried egg is, how it is produced, its advantages and disadvantages and how you can use it in your dog's diet.

What is dried egg?

Dried egg is a whole egg powder made from eggs from which the moisture has been removed. This makes them last longer and easier to transport. Dried egg is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are important for your dog's health. You can use dried egg in various dishes, for example in scrambled eggs, omelettes, sauces, dips or baked goods. You can also use it as a source of protein for your dog by mixing it with water and giving it as a treat.

How is dried egg made?

Dried egg is dried in a spray dryer. The eggs are atomized into fine droplets and surrounded by hot air. The moisture evaporates and a fine powder remains. During production, care must be taken to ensure that the temperature is not too high so that the proteins do not denature. Dried egg can be kept for up to ten years if stored optimally. It does not require any special refrigeration and is often cheaper than fresh eggs.

What are the advantages of dried egg?

Dried eggs have several advantages over fresh eggs:

  • It has a longer shelf life and can be used in the event of a power cut or other emergency.
  • It is easier to store and transport and takes up less space.
  • It is easier to dose and process.
  • It has a high nutritional value and can enrich your dog's diet.
  • It can prevent or alleviate allergies or intolerances in dogs that react to certain components of fresh eggs.

What are the disadvantages of dried egg?

Dried egg also has some disadvantages compared to fresh eggs:

  • It has a slightly different flavor and texture than fresh eggs.
  • It can contain bacteria or mold if not stored or processed properly.
  • It can impair the absorption of other nutrients if fed in excessive quantities.
  • It can cause digestive problems or bloating in dogs that are sensitive to eggs.

How can you use dried egg in your dog's diet?

Dried egg is a great addition to your dog's diet if you use it correctly. Here are some tips on how to use dried egg in your dog's diet:

  • Mix dried egg with water and give it to your dog as a treat or as part of their meal. You can also add some oil or butter to improve the flavor and increase the fat intake.
  • Use dried egg to bake dog cookies or other snacks for your dog. You can also add other ingredients such as oatmeal, bananas, carrots or cheese to increase variety.
  • Add dried egg to smoothies, shakes or other drinks for your dog. You can also add fruit, vegetables or yogurt to increase the vitamins and minerals.
  • Be careful not to feed too much dried egg. The recommended amount is about one teaspoon per 10 kg of body weight per day. Too much dried egg can lead to obesity, nutritional deficiencies or digestive problems.
  • Make sure you buy good quality dried egg and store it in a dry, cool and dark place. Avoid using dried egg that is expired, lumpy or discolored. Also, do not use dried egg that smells of ammonia or other unpleasant odors.

Dry egg is a convenient and nutritious product that you can use for yourself and your dog. It has many advantages, but also some disadvantages that you should be aware of. If you want to use dried egg in your dog's diet, you should stick to the recommended quantities and pay attention to quality and freshness. This way you can offer your dog a varied and healthy diet.

Learn even more about Dry egg

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊