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Creme fraiche

A representation of Creme fraiche

Creme fraiche is a dairy product made from cream that has been mixed with lactic acid bacteria. It has a mild, creamy taste and a creamy consistency. Creme fraiche is often used for cooking or baking, but also as a spread or dip.

But is crème fraiche also suitable for dogs? Can you treat your four-legged friend to a spoonful from time to time or should you steer clear of it? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about crème fraîche in relation to dogs.

The benefits of crème fraiche for dogs

Creme fraiche has several benefits for dogs that you should not ignore. Firstly, it contains valuable nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A, which are important for your dog's health. Secondly, it contains lactic acid bacteria, which can have a positive effect on your dog's digestion. These so-called probiotics promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestines and can therefore strengthen the immune system and prevent diarrhea.

Creme fraiche also tastes good to many dogs and can therefore be used as a treat or reward. For example, you can mix it with some fruit or vegetables and offer it to your dog as a healthy snack. Or you can mix it into dry food to make it more palatable.

The disadvantages of crème fraiche for dogs

However, crème fraiche also has some disadvantages for dogs that you should be aware of. For one thing, it is very high in fat and can therefore lead to obesity if you give it to your dog too often or in too large quantities. Obesity is a serious health problem for dogs and can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease or joint problems.

Creme fraiche also contains lactose, i.e. milk sugar, which many dogs do not tolerate well. This is because adult dogs often do not produce enough lactase, an enzyme that breaks down and digests lactose. If your dog ingests too much lactose, he may suffer from bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Creme fraiche can also trigger allergies or intolerances if your dog is sensitive to dairy products. This can manifest itself as skin rashes, itching, ear infections or breathing difficulties.

How much crème fraiche can my dog eat?

How much crème fraiche your dog can eat depends on various factors, such as his weight, activity level and tolerance. In general, however, creme fraiche should only be given in small quantities and as an occasional supplement to your dog's normal diet.

A rule of thumb is that dairy products should not make up more than five percent of your dog's total diet. This means, for example, that a 10 kg dog should not eat more than 25 g of crème fraiche per day. This corresponds to about one tablespoon.

If you are giving your dog creme fraiche for the first time, you should be even more careful and only offer a small amount. Then observe how your dog reacts to it and whether he shows any signs of intolerance. If your dog has no problems, you can slowly increase the amount until you reach the maximum recommended amount.


Creme Fraiche is a delicious and nutritious dairy product that you can give your dog from time to time as a supplement to his normal diet. It contains valuable nutrients and lactic acid bacteria that can have a positive effect on your dog's health.

But you should also be aware of the disadvantages of crème fraiche for dogs. It is very high in fat and can lead to obesity if you give it to your dog too often or in too large quantities. It also contains lactose, which many dogs do not tolerate well and can lead to digestive problems or allergies.

Therefore, you should only give creme fraiche for dogs in small amounts and as an occasional treat. Make sure that you do not exceed the recommended maximum amount and that you monitor your dog for signs of intolerance. If your dog tolerates Creme Fraiche well, you can give him a treat and support his health.

Learn even more about Creme fraiche

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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