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A representation of Clover

Clover is a plant that many people associate with happiness. But what about dogs? Can they eat clover and is it healthy for them? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about clover for dogs.

What is clover?

Clover is a legume that belongs to the papilionaceous family. There are around 300 different types of clover, which vary in shape, color and size. The best known are white clover and red clover, which often grow in meadows and fields.

Clover has trifoliate or quadrifoliate leaves and small flowers, which are usually white or red. The flowers are pollinated by bees and produce a sweet honey. The leaves and flowers can also be used as food for animals or as a medicinal plant for humans.

Is clover poisonous to dogs?

The good news is: clover is not poisonous to dogs. Most dogs tolerate clover well and have no problems when they eat it. However, you should pay attention to the type of clover you give your dog. Not all varieties are equally suitable.

White clover and red clover are the best varieties for dogs as they contain no toxic substances and have many health benefits. Other varieties such as lucky clover or clover shoots, on the other hand, can be incompatible or even harmful.

Lucky clover is a type of wood sorrel that is often kept as a houseplant. It has four-leafed leaves and yellow flowers. Although it is not poisonous to dogs, it does contain oxalic acid, which can cause gastrointestinal problems in large quantities.

Clover sprouts are young clover seedlings that are often eaten as a salad. However, they contain hemagglutinin, a chemical that can cause the blood to clot. This can lead to diarrhea, vomiting or even bleeding.

Therefore, you should only give your dog white clover or red clover and avoid other varieties or only offer them in very small quantities.

What are the benefits of clover for dogs?

Clover has many benefits for dogs, both nutritionally and medicinally. It is rich in calcium, iron, copper, vitamin C and protein. These nutrients are important for the bones, muscles, immune system and skin.

Clover also has a healing effect on various ailments. It has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, expectorant and blood-purifying effect. It can help with skin problems, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders and joint pain.

Clover can also promote milk production in nursing bitches and stimulate the appetite. It has a sweet taste that many dogs like.

How can you give your dog clover?

There are various ways to give your dog clover. You can offer him fresh or dried leaves and flowers directly or mix them into his food. You can also prepare a tea from clover and give it to your dog to drink or make a poultice with it.

However, the amount of clover should always be moderate and not make up more than 10% of the daily diet. Too much clover can lead to digestive problems or allergic reactions.

You should also make sure that the clover is clean and does not contain any pesticides or harmful substances. It is best to grow the clover yourself or buy it from a trustworthy source.


Clover is a plant that has many benefits for dogs. It is non-toxic and can promote health and well-being. However, you should only use white clover or red clover and avoid other varieties or only give them in small quantities. You should also limit the amount of clover and always keep it clean.

So if you want to do something good for your dog, you can give him some clover from time to time. He will certainly thank you for it.

Learn even more about Clover

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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