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Chicory pulp

A representation of Chicory pulp

You may have heard or read about chicory pulp when researching dog food. But what is chicory pulp and why is it sometimes added to dog food? In this article, you'll find out more about this plant-based product and its advantages and disadvantages for your dog.

What is chicory pulp?

Chicory pulp is a by-product of sugar extraction from the chicory root. Chicory root is a plant that is mainly cultivated in Europe and from which the sweetener inulin is extracted. After the inulin has been extracted from the root, the chicory pulp remains. This consists mainly of fiber, which is not digestible but plays an important role in intestinal health.

What are the benefits of chicory pulp for dogs?

Chicory pulp has several positive effects for dogs due to its high fiber content. Firstly, chicory pulp can aid digestion by making the feces more voluminous and softer, thus preventing constipation. Secondly, chicory pulp can act as a prebiotic, i.e. it promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, which can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. In addition, chicory pulp can increase the feeling of satiety and thus help to prevent or reduce excess weight.

What are the disadvantages of chicory pulp for dogs?

Chicory pulp is not suitable for all dogs and can also have some undesirable side effects. On the one hand, chicory puree can cause bloating, diarrhea or abdominal pain in some dogs, especially if it is introduced too quickly or in too large quantities. Secondly, chicory pulp can reduce the nutritional content of the food by diluting other ingredients or hindering their absorption. Therefore, chicory pulp should only be fed in moderation and in combination with high-quality protein and fat sources.

How much chicory pulp should you give your dog?

The optimal amount of chicory pulp for your dog depends on various factors, such as his age, size, health and activity level. In general, however, chicory pulp should not make up more than 10 percent of the dry food. If you want to give your dog chicory pulp, you should do so slowly and gradually to get his intestines used to the new fiber. You should also make sure that your dog always has enough water available to prevent dehydration.


Chicory pulp is a plant-based product that can have some benefits for the digestion and immune system of dogs. However, it is not suitable for every dog and should only be fed in moderate amounts.

Learn even more about Chicory pulp

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊