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Chicken carcass

A representation of Chicken carcass
Artificial replica (Not real!)

If you want to feed your dog BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food), you may have heard of chicken carcass. But what is it actually and how can you feed it to your dog? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about chicken carcass.

What is chicken carcass?

Chicken carcass is what remains of the chicken after it has been gutted and cut up. It consists of bones, cartilage, skin and meat scraps. Chicken carcass is a popular BARF product as it is a natural source of calcium and other nutrients. It can also clean your dog's teeth and satisfy their chewing instinct.

How to feed chicken carcass?

Chicken carcass should always be fed raw, as cooked bones can splinter and injure your dog. You can buy chicken carcass whole or minced (shredded). The amount depends on the size and requirements of your dog. As a rule of thumb, bones should make up around 10 to 20 percent of your dog's daily food ration.

You should always combine chicken carcass with plant-based ingredients such as vegetables or fruit to ensure a balanced diet. You should also make sure that your dog drinks enough water, as bones can make the stool firmer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of chicken carcass?

Chicken carcass has many benefits for your dog:

  • It is rich in calcium, which is important for bone structure and teeth.
  • It contains other nutrients such as protein, fat, iron and zinc.
  • It can promote dental health by removing tartar and massaging the gums.
  • It can satisfy your dog's chewing instinct and make it fun.

However, chicken carcass also has some disadvantages:

  • It can cause injury if your dog eats too hastily or swallows sharp bone fragments.
  • It can cause digestive problems if your dog eats too much or too little of it or has an intolerance.
  • It can contain bacteria that can lead to infections. You should therefore always pay attention to quality and hygiene.

Chicken carcass is a nutritious and tasty BARF product for your dog. It can bring him many health benefits if you feed it correctly. However, you should also be aware of the potential risks and always monitor your dog when it eats chicken carcass.

Learn even more about Chicken carcass

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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