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Coccidia are microscopic parasites that can infest the intestines of dogs. They belong to the group of protozoa and multiply within the intestinal cells. The most common type of coccidia affecting dogs is Isospora. Coccidia infections can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even serious health problems in dogs, especially in young, old or immunocompromised dogs. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about coccidia in dogs. You will learn what coccidia is, why dogs can get it and how to recognize it.

How dangerous is coccidiosis in dogs?

Coccidia - like many other intestinal parasites - can be treated well. The chances of curing coccidiosis in dogs are correspondingly high. However, the severe symptoms in puppies in particular can quickly put their lives at risk. Rapid treatment is therefore crucial.

How does the disease develop?

Dogs become infected by ingesting coccidia through their snout. This can happen in various ways:

  • Dirty water: when dogs drink from puddles or stagnant water, they can ingest coccidia as these parasites can live in water.
  • Infected animals: Dogs can become infected through contact with infected animals or their feces.
  • Stress: Stress can weaken the immune system and make dogs more susceptible to coccidia infections.
  • Inadequate hygiene: Inadequate cleaning and disinfection of food and water bowls, sleeping areas or toys can lead to the spread of coccidia.
  • Immunosuppression: Dogs with a weakened immune system, for example due to medication or illness, are more susceptible to coccidia.

What are the main signs of the disease?

The most common symptom of a coccidia infection is diarrhea. It can be watery, slimy or even bloody. Other possible signs are

  • Vomiting: Some dogs with coccidia also vomit.
  • Weight loss and loss of appetite: Dogs suffering from coccidia may lose weight and lose their appetite.
  • Fatigue and weakness: Infected dogs may appear lethargic and less active than usual.
  • Dehydration: Dehydration can occur as a result of severe fluid loss due to diarrhea and vomiting.

How can coccidiosis be detected in dogs?

To diagnose coccidiosis in dogs, the vet must examine a fecal sample. This allows him to detect the eggs of the parasites under the microscope. Sometimes several fecal samples are necessary to detect an infection, as the eggs are not always excreted evenly.

What treatment options are there?

Coccidiosis in dogs is usually treated with an antiparasitic that kills the coccidia. It is important to follow the vet's instructions exactly and administer the medication as prescribed. In addition, you should make sure that the dog drinks enough to counteract dehydration. In severe cases, the vet may also administer an infusion.

How do I prevent coccidiosis in dogs?

To prevent coccidiosis in dogs, you should observe a few hygiene measures:

  • Keep the dog's environment clean by removing feces immediately and cleaning and disinfecting food and water bowls regularly.
  • Avoid your dog drinking from puddles or standing water or coming into contact with infected animals.
  • Reduce stress factors for your dog and strengthen his immune system with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise.
  • Have your dog's feces checked regularly for parasites, especially if he has diarrhea or lives in a kennel or shelter.

Coccidiosis in dogs is a common intestinal disease caused by single-celled parasites. It can lead to diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms, which can be particularly dangerous for puppies. Early diagnosis and treatment are therefore important to avoid complications. Good hygiene and a strong immune system can reduce the risk of coccidia infection.

Los autores parten de la base de que debe consultarse a un veterinario si un animal está enfermo y de que la medicación sólo debe tomarse tras consultar a un médico o farmacéutico. Sólo un examen individual puede conducir a un diagnóstico y a una decisión terapéutica.

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