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Una representación de Drowsiness

Drowsiness is a condition in which your dog is less alert, responsive or active than normal. Drowsiness can have various causes, from harmless to serious. In this article, you'll learn what can cause drowsiness in dogs, how to recognize it and what you can do to help your dog.

Possible causes of drowsiness in dogs

Drowsiness can be a symptom of various illnesses or conditions that affect your dog. Some of these are:

  • Fatigue or lack of sleep. If your dog sleeps too little or poorly, he may appear drowsy and lethargic. This can happen, for example, if he is stressed, has experienced a change in his routine or sleeps in a noisy or uncomfortable place.
  • Age. Older dogs often become less active and react more slowly to stimuli. This is normal and nothing to worry about as long as your dog shows no other signs of pain or illness.
  • Medication or anesthesia. Some medications or anesthetics can make your dog drowsy or dizzy. This is usually temporary and should subside when the effects wear off. If you give your dog a medication or he has received an anesthetic, you should monitor him closely and inform his vet if the drowsiness lasts too long or worsens.
  • Poisoning. If your dog has eaten or inhaled something poisonous, he may become drowsy. This can be very dangerous and requires immediate veterinary attention. Possible sources of poisoning include chocolate, rat poison, plants, cleaning products, medication or alcohol.
  • Diseases of the brain or nervous system. Some diseases such as tumors, strokes, epilepsy or infections can damage your dog's brain or nervous system and lead to drowsiness. This can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as seizures, balance problems, disorientation or behavioral changes.
  • Diseases of the heart or lungs. If your dog's heart or lungs cannot transport enough oxygen to the body, your dog may become drowsy. This can occur, for example, with heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, pneumonia or asthma.
  • Diseases of the blood or hormones. If your dog's blood contains too little sugar, iron or other important substances, he may become dizzy. This can happen with diabetes, anemia or hypothyroidism, for example.
  • Pain or shock. If your dog is in severe pain or in shock, for example due to an injury, an accident or an allergic reaction, he may become drowsy. This is a sign that his body is under stress and is trying to protect itself.

How to recognize drowsiness in dogs

Drowsiness is not always easy to recognize, as every dog is different and can behave differently depending on the situation. Some signs of drowsiness are

  • Your dog reacts more slowly or not at all to you or other stimuli such as noises, lights or movement.
  • Your dog moves less or not at all and just lies around.
  • Your dog sleeps more than usual or has difficulty waking up.
  • Your dog shows less interest in his food, toys or surroundings.
  • Your dog seems confused, disoriented or forgetful.
  • Your dog has low blood pressure, a low body temperature or pale mucous membranes.

What you can do to help your dog

If you notice that your dog is dazed, you should first try to find out the cause. Check whether he has eaten or inhaled something unusual, whether he has received medication or anesthesia, whether he is injured or whether he is showing other symptoms. If you don't know the cause or if you suspect that your dog is poisoned or has a serious illness, you should take him to the vet immediately.

If you know the cause and it is harmless, such as tiredness or old age, you can help your dog by providing rest and comfort. Make sure he has a warm, quiet and comfortable place to sleep. Give him fresh water and easily digestible food. Talk to him gently and stroke him carefully. Avoid overworking or stressing him.

If your dog is drowsy because he has been given medication or anesthesia, you should ask his vet about the possible side effects and the duration of the effect. Stick to the dosage and schedule prescribed by your vet. Monitor your dog closely and contact your vet if the drowsiness lasts too long or worsens.


Drowsiness in dogs can have various causes and can vary in severity.

Los autores parten de la base de que debe consultarse a un veterinario si un animal está enfermo y de que la medicación sólo debe tomarse tras consultar a un médico o farmacéutico. Sólo un examen individual puede conducir a un diagnóstico y a una decisión terapéutica.

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