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Μια αναπαράσταση του Trembling

Trembling in dogs is a common phenomenon that can have various causes. Some dogs tremble from cold, fear, pain or excitement. Other dogs tremble due to illnesses such as epilepsy, kidney failure or poisoning. In this article, you will learn how to recognize the reasons for your dog's trembling and how to help him.

Shivering from the cold

Dogs have fur that protects them from low temperatures. However, the fur is not always enough to keep the dog warm. Small, thin or short-haired dogs in particular can quickly freeze when it is cold outside. Shivering is a natural reaction of the body to activate the muscles and generate heat.

If your dog is shivering from the cold, you should bring him into the warmth or put a blanket or coat on him. Also make sure that your dog is drinking and eating enough to meet its energy needs.

Trembling from fear

Dogs can be scared for various reasons. For example, of loud noises such as thunderstorms or fireworks, of strange people or animals, of the vet or of changes in the environment. Trembling is a sign of stress and tension that the dog cannot control.

If your dog is trembling with fear, you should not punish or scold him, but rather keep him calm and secure. Stay with your dog and talk to him in a calm tone. Try to avoid or reduce the fear triggers. You can also talk to your vet or a dog trainer to help your dog overcome his fears.

Trembling from pain

Dogs can also tremble when they are in pain. For example, with injuries, inflammation, arthritis or toothache. Trembling is a reaction to the pain stimulus that is sent from the brain to the muscles.

If your dog is shaking in pain, you should take him to the vet immediately to diagnose and treat the cause. Do not give your dog any painkillers for humans, as these can be toxic to him. Follow your vet's instructions and give your dog lots of love and care.

Trembling from excitement

Some dogs also tremble with excitement or anticipation. For example, when they want to go for a walk, see their favorite toy or play with you. Trembling is an expression of joy and energy that helps the dog to release his emotions.

If your dog is shaking with excitement, you don't need to worry. It's a normal behavior that shows your dog is happy. You can play with your dog or praise him to share his excitement. However, make sure that your dog doesn't get overexcited or overexert himself.

Trembling due to illness

Finally, trembling in dogs can also indicate serious illnesses. For example, epilepsy, kidney failure, poisoning or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Trembling is then a symptom of impaired function of the nervous system or metabolism.

If your dog is shaking for no apparent reason or shows other signs of discomfort, you should take him to the vet immediately. It could be a medical emergency that requires rapid treatment. Have your dog examined and vaccinated regularly to protect his health.


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