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What is X-ray?

X-rays are an imaging method that uses X-rays to visualize the inside of your dog. This technique is often used to diagnose broken bones, foreign bodies or diseases such as arthritis.

When is an X-ray necessary?

If your dog is in pain, limping or has suffered an injury, an X-ray can help to find the cause. This method is also used as a preventative measure or before surgical procedures.

Preparing for the x-ray

Before your dog is x-rayed, you should speak to your vet and make all the necessary preparations. This usually includes fasting your dog before the appointment.

The X-ray examination procedure

Your dog will be placed on a special table and must remain still during the scan. Sometimes light sedation is necessary to obtain clear images.

After the examination

After the x-ray, the vet will usually explain the results directly to you. Depending on the findings, the appropriate treatment can then be initiated.


Autoři předpokládají, že v případě onemocnění zvířete je třeba konzultovat veterináře a že léky by měly být užívány pouze po konzultaci s lékařem nebo lékárníkem. Pouze individuální vyšetření může vést k diagnóze a rozhodnutí o léčbě.

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