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Pneumonia is a serious disease that affects your dog's lungs and airways. It can be caused by various factors, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. In this blog post, you will learn how to recognize, prevent and treat the symptoms of pneumonia in your dog.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in dogs?

The symptoms of pneumonia in dogs can vary depending on the cause and severity of the condition. The most common signs include:

If you notice one or more of these symptoms in your dog, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. Pneumonia can be life-threatening if not treated in time.

How can you prevent pneumonia in dogs?

The best way to prevent pneumonia in dogs is good hygiene and grooming. You should make sure that your dog is vaccinated, especially against the most common pathogens of respiratory infections, such as parainfluenza, bordetella or distemper. You should also avoid your dog having contact with sick or infected dogs, especially in animal shelters, boarding kennels or parks. You should also regularly worm your dog and treat it for fleas and ticks, as these parasites can also lead to lung problems.

You should also make sure that your dog always has access to fresh water and clean air. Avoid smoking near him or using strong cleaning products. Also make sure that your dog is not exposed to the cold or heat for too long, as this can weaken its defenses.

How is pneumonia treated in dogs?

The treatment of pneumonia in dogs depends on the cause and your dog's condition. In most cases, your vet will prescribe your dog antibiotics to fight the bacterial infection. They may also give other medications to relieve the cough, lower the fever or reduce the inflammation. In severe cases, your dog may need oxygen therapy or fluid replacement.

In addition to medical treatment, you should give your dog plenty of rest and care. Keep him warm and dry and offer him soft food and water. Avoid stressing or overexerting him. Follow your vet's instructions carefully and give him his medication as scheduled. Bring him in for regular check-ups to monitor his progress.


With the right treatment and care, your dog can recover from pneumonia and become healthy again. However, if you notice that his condition worsens or he develops new symptoms, you should contact your vet immediately.

Autoři předpokládají, že v případě onemocnění zvířete je třeba konzultovat veterináře a že léky by měly být užívány pouze po konzultaci s lékařem nebo lékárníkem. Pouze individuální vyšetření může vést k diagnóze a rozhodnutí o léčbě.

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