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The characteristics of the dog tail "Over the back"

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The tail over the back: a trademark of certain dog breeds

Imagine you're at the park with your dog and you see another dog with a majestic tail arched over its back. You may wonder what this means and whether it is a sign of a particular breed. The tail over the back is actually a characteristic feature of some dog breeds and has both functional and aesthetic reasons. In this article, you'll learn what it's all about, which dog breeds are known for it, and how this tail affects your dog's communication and behavior.

What does "tail over the back" mean?

When a dog's tail curves over its back, it usually means that it is either in a loose curve or in a tight ring over the spine. This is not just a matter of appearance; it also has a functional and genetic background. This type of tail is often referred to as a "ring tail" and is a distinctive feature in certain dog breeds.

Dog breeds with tails carried over the back


The Akita is known for its distinctive curly tail. This breed originates from Japan and was originally used as a hunting dog. The Akita's tail is not only a sign of elegance, but also helps with balance, especially on rough terrain.

Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu, another Japanese breed, also carries its tail proudly over its back. This small but courageous dog has a similar functionality to the Akita, with the tail also contributing to balance and supporting its agile movements.

Chow Chow

The Chow Chow, an ancient Chinese breed, also has a tail carried over its back. In addition to its plush coat, the high carried tail is another distinctive feature of this breed.


The Samoyed, a sled dog from Siberia, often carries its tail over its back, especially when it is relaxed. The tail also protects the dog from the cold by placing it over its nose while it sleeps.

Function and evolution of the tail over the back

Balance and mobility

The tail carried over the back is not just for looks. It helps the dog to keep its balance, especially in difficult terrain. This was particularly important for breeds that worked in mountainous regions or as hunting dogs.

Protection from weather conditions

Another practical benefit is protection from extreme weather conditions. For dog breeds that live in cold climates, the tail over the back can provide additional protection from wind and snow.

Communication and behavior

Expression of emotions

The tail is an important means of communication for dogs. A tail carried over the back can express different emotions depending on its position and movement. A high tail curved over the back can indicate self-confidence and joy, while a stiffly erect tail often indicates alertness or aggression.

Social interaction

The tail can also play an important role in interaction with other dogs. Dogs read the body language of their conspecifics and the tail is an essential part of this non-verbal communication. A tail that falls loosely over the back often signals relaxation and friendliness.

Grooming and health

Proper care of the tail

A tail carried over the back requires special care, especially for long-haired breeds. Regular brushing helps to prevent tangles and keep the skin healthy.

Health monitoring

It is important to check your dog's tail regularly to make sure there are no injuries or skin problems. A healthy tail is a sign of your dog's general wellbeing.


The tail worn over the back is more than just a pretty detail. It is a functional and communicative tool that is deeply rooted in the history and evolution of certain dog breeds. The next time you see a dog with such a tail, you will better understand what it means and what special features are associated with it. Whether Akita, Shiba Inu or Samoyed - these breeds wear their tails with pride and have a unique presence.

These dog breeds also have the "Over the back" dog tail characteristic