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Guard dogs: What characterizes a real guard dog breed?

Guard dogs play an important role in many households and properties. They are not only loyal companions, but also reliable protectors. But what exactly does it mean when we talk about the "guard dog" trait in a dog breed? In this article, you will learn all about the key characteristics, the best breeds for this job and how you can train your own dog to be an effective guard dog.

What is a guard dog?

A guard dog is a dog that has been specifically trained or bred to protect its home, property and family. These dogs have a strong territorial awareness and a natural alertness that makes them excellent protectors. They are programmed to notice and react to irregularities, whether by barking, making threatening gestures or, in extreme cases, attacking.

Natural instincts

Guard dogs have a strong protective instinct by nature. These dogs are always alert and pay attention to everything that happens around them. They have a keen sense for threats and often react more quickly and decisively than other dogs.

Training and socialization

An effective guard dog not only needs the right instincts, but also good training and appropriate socialization. This means that the dog must learn to distinguish between a real threat and a harmless situation. A well-trained guard dog will remain calm when friends and family come to visit, but will raise the alarm if a stranger enters the property.

The best guard dog breeds

Some dog breeds are particularly suitable as guard dogs due to their natural characteristics. Here are some of the best known and most effective guard dog breeds:

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the best-known guard dog breeds. These dogs are intelligent, courageous and extremely loyal. They learn quickly and are versatile, be it in police service, the military or as a personal guard dog.


The Doberman is known for its elegance and impressive presence. These dogs are not only fast and strong, but also very intelligent. They require consistent training and plenty of exercise, but are then excellent protectors.


Rottweilers are powerful dogs with a strong protective instinct. They are known for their loyalty and courage. With the right training, they are reliable guard dogs that will resolutely defend their home and family.


The Bullmastiff is an impressive mix of Mastiff and Bulldog. These dogs are particularly good at subduing and restraining intruders without causing them serious harm. They are calm and confident, which makes them excellent guard dogs.

How to train your dog to be a guard dog

If you're interested in training your dog to be a guard dog, there are some basic steps you should follow:

Early socialization

Start socializing your dog at an early age. He should learn to remain calm in different situations and to distinguish between friend and foe.

Basic obedience

A well-trained guard dog must master basic obedience commands such as "sit", "down" and "stay". These commands form the basis for further training.

Alertness training

Train your dog to react to certain stimuli. This could be barking at unexpected noises or holding a position when a stranger approaches.

Professional training

In many cases, it makes sense to consult a professional dog trainer who has experience in training guard dogs. They can help you learn the best methods and techniques.


A guard dog can be a valuable asset to your home, providing security and protection. Choosing the right breed, early socialization and consistent training are crucial to having an effective and reliable guard dog. With patience and commitment, you can teach your dog to be an excellent protector.