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The coat pattern "Tan colors"

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The fascinating world of tan in dogs

Tan is one of the most fascinating and unique coat patterns found in dogs. These striking color combinations give dogs an unmistakable look and often make them appear particularly noble. In this article, we take a deep dive into the world of tan, explain what makes it so special and show you which dog breeds you can find this unusual coat pattern on.

What are tan coats?

Tan is a special coat pattern in which certain areas of the dog's body have a reddish-brown color, while the rest of the coat is usually black, sometimes blue or brown. Typical areas for these tan markings are

  • Over the eyes (eyebrows)
  • On the muzzle cheeks and chest
  • On the legs and paws
  • Under the tail

These symmetrical markings can vary in intensity and expression depending on the breed and individual genetics of the dog.

Genetics of tan color

The tan color is influenced by special genes. In particular, the agouti gene (A locus) plays an important role. Dogs with the "at/at" genotype on the A locus show the classic tan pattern. The "at" allele ensures that the tan markings appear on the typical areas of the body, while the rest of the coat is usually colored by the dominant black, blue or brown.

Popular dog breeds with tan

Tan colors can be found in many dog breeds. Here are some of the best known:


The Rottweiler is probably one of the best-known representatives with tan fur. Its distinctive, bold markings on the otherwise black coat make it unmistakable.


The Doberman also proudly wears its tan markings. This elegant breed often displays particularly clearly defined and high-contrast markings that emphasize its noble look.

German Shepherd Dog

Some lines of German Shepherd Dogs can also display tan markings, although this is less common than in other breeds.

Miniature Pinscher

This small but extremely alert dog also has the characteristic tan pattern. Despite its size, the Miniature Pinscher wears its markings with pride and confidence.

Manchester Terrier

The Manchester Terrier displays the classic tan pattern to perfection. This breed has a long history and was originally bred to hunt rats.

Tan coat care

Grooming a dog with a tan coat is not much different from grooming other coat types, but there are some tips you should follow to keep the colors bright and healthy:

  • Regular brushing: Keep your dog's coat clean and tangle-free. Brush it regularly to remove dead hair and promote blood circulation to the skin.
  • Healthy diet: A balanced diet contributes to a healthy coat. Make sure your dog gets all the nutrients it needs.
  • Sun protection: For dogs with a very black coat, the sun can fade the color. Make sure they are adequately protected from intense sunlight.
  • Grooming products: Use high-quality grooming products that have been specially developed for the needs of dogs.


Tan is a beautiful and unique feature that gives many dog breeds a special charm. With the right care and attention, you can ensure that your dog's colors always shine. Whether you have a Rottweiler, Doberman or other tan-colored dog, these striking markings will make your four-legged friend a real eye-catcher.

These dog breeds can have the "Tan colors" coat pattern