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The coat pattern "Saddle / Blanket"

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How to recognize the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern in your dog

You love your dog and think his coat is simply beautiful. But do you know what his coat pattern is called and what it tells you about his origins? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about the saddle/blanket coat pattern, which is found in many dog breeds.

What is the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern?

The saddle/blanket coat pattern is a typical feature of dogs that belong to the shepherd or herding breeds. It is characterized by the fact that the dog has a dark color on the back and tail that looks like a saddle or blanket. The rest of the coat is usually lighter or has other colors.

The saddle/blanket coat pattern is genetic and is determined by a gene called agouti. This gene influences how much pigment the hairs have and how they are distributed. Depending on which variant of the gene the dog has, the coat pattern can be more or less pronounced.

Which dog breeds have the saddle/blanket coat pattern?

The saddle/blanket coat pattern can be found in many dog breeds, especially those that were originally bred as sheepdogs or herding dogs. Some examples are:

  • German Shepherd: Probably the best known representative of the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern is the German Shepherd. It usually has a black saddle pattern on a brown or gray undercoat. The German Shepherd is a versatile and intelligent dog that can be used as a family dog, guard dog or service dog.
  • Shetland Sheepdog: The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is a small and agile herding dog originally from the Shetland Islands. It often has a blue or black overcoat pattern on a white or cream-colored undercoat. The Sheltie is an affectionate dog that is eager to learn and needs plenty of exercise and activity.
  • Bernese Mountain Dog: The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large and strong dog that comes from Switzerland. It has a black coat pattern on a brown or red undercoat with white markings. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a friendly and loyal dog that gets on well with children and other animals.
  • Australian Shepherd: The Australian Shepherd, also known as the Aussie, is a medium-sized and athletic herding dog that, despite its name, originates from the USA. It often has a blue or red merle pattern on a white or cream-colored undercoat with or without a blanket pattern. The Aussie is a lively and intelligent dog that needs plenty of exercise and mental challenges.

Why is the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern so special?

The Saddle / Blanket coat pattern is not only beautiful to look at, but also has a practical benefit. It helps dogs to camouflage themselves in their environment and protect themselves from predators or enemies. The dark color on the back makes them less visible from above, while the light color on the belly makes them less visible from below.

In addition, the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern indicates belonging to a particular breed or type of dog. It is an identifying mark for other dogs and for people who know about dogs. It reveals something about the dog's origin, character and abilities.

How to do justice to your dog with the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern

If you have a dog with the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern or would like to get one, there are a few things you should bear in mind. Firstly, you should find out about the specific needs of your dog breed and adapt accordingly.

Most dogs with the Saddle / Blanket coat pattern have a dense and long coat that needs to be brushed regularly to avoid matting and dirt. You should also make sure that your dog does not get too much sun, as this can cause its coat color to fade.