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The coat pattern "Sable"

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What is Sable? The coat pattern that makes your dog a star!

You love your dog and think his coat is beautiful. But do you know what kind of coat pattern he has? Maybe you've heard of sable, but what does it actually mean? And why is it so special? Find out everything you need to know about Sable in this article!

What is sable?

Sable is a coat pattern that occurs in many dog breeds. It means that the hair at the top is darker than at the base. This can result in a beautiful color gradient that goes from light to dark or vice versa. Some dogs have only a few sable hairs, others are almost completely sable.

How does Sable develop?

Sable is genetic. It depends on a gene that is responsible for the pigmentation of the hair. This gene has two variants: A (agouti) and a (non-agouti). A ensures that the hair is darker at the tip than at the base. a ensures that the hair is evenly colored. Every dog has two copies of this gene, one from each parent. If it has at least one copy of a, it is Sable. If it has two copies of a, it is non-Agouti.

Which dog breeds have Sable?

Sable is found in many dog breeds, for example Collies, Shelties, German Shepherds, Belgian Shepherds, Poodles, Chow Chows and many more. There are also different types of sable, depending on how pronounced the coat pattern is and what other colors are present. For example there are:

  • Clear S able: The coat is almost completely light in color, only the tips are slightly darker.
  • Shaded S able: The coat has a clear color gradient from light to dark or vice versa.
  • Tri-Color Sable: The coat has three colors: black, brown and white. The black hairs are darker at the tip than at the base.
  • Merle Sable: The coat has a mottled pattern of different colors.

Why is Sable so special?

Sable is a very beautiful and varied coat pattern that makes your dog a real eye-catcher! It gives him an elegant and sophisticated look that suits every occasion. Sable is also a sign of a strong personality and good character. Sable dogs are often very intelligent, loyal and friendly. They love to play and cuddle with you!

How do you care for your Sable coat?

Sable coats don't need much grooming, but there are a few tips you should keep in mind:

  • Brush your Sable coat regularly to avoid matting and dirt.
  • Use a mild shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
  • Dry your Sable coat carefully with a towel or hairdryer.
  • Do not cut your Sable coat too short, otherwise you will lose the beautiful color gradient.