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The fur color "Black"

A representation of

Why black is a great coat color for dogs

Do you love dogs and are you looking for a new four-legged friend? Then you should definitely consider a black dog. Why? Because black is a great coat color for dogs! Here are some reasons that will convince you.

Black is elegant

Black dogs simply look classy. Whether long-haired or short-haired, large or small, pedigree or mixed breed - a black coat gives every dog an elegant look. What's more, black goes with everything, which means you can match your dog with any collar, lead or outfit.

Black is practical

Black dogs have many advantages in everyday life. For one thing, you see less dirt and hair on their fur than on light-colored dogs. This means you have to bathe and brush your dog less often and have less work cleaning your home or car.

Black is rare

Black dogs are rare in many breeds. This makes them special and unique.

Black is cool

Black dogs have a cool charisma. They look confident, strong and courageous. With a black dog by your side, you feel safe and protected.