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The coat length "Long hair"

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Beautiful mane of hair: all about long-haired dogs

Long-haired dogs are real eye-catchers! Their magnificent manes and silky coats attract admiring glances and give them a noble and majestic appearance. But behind this impressive appearance, there is also a lot of care involved. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about long-haired dogs - from the right coat care to the different breeds and useful tips for everyday life.

The special features of the longhair coat

The long-haired coat is not only beautiful to look at, but also has specific characteristics that distinguish it from short-haired or wire-haired coat types.

Structure and growth

Longhair coats consist of a dense undercoat and long, protective guard hairs. This combination ensures that long-haired dogs are well protected in different weather conditions. The undercoat keeps them warm, while the long topcoat protects them from moisture and dirt. The growth of the longhair coat is continuous, which means that it needs to be trimmed and groomed regularly to prevent matting.

Grooming effort

Longhair coat care requires time and patience. Regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and knots. The amount of grooming required is particularly high when the coat is changing, as dead hair needs to be brushed out to prevent skin irritation. Bathing and drying should also be carried out with care, as wet fur is heavy and prone to knotting.

Popular long-haired dog breeds

There are many dog breeds that are known for their long, gorgeous coats. Here are some of the most popular long-haired breeds and their characteristics:

Afghan Hound

With its silky, long coat and elegant gait, the Afghan Hound is a true aristocrat among dogs. Its coat requires daily grooming and regular trimming to maintain its beauty.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a small, cheerful dog with an impressively long coat. Its mane can reach the ground if well groomed. The Shih Tzu needs to be brushed and bathed regularly to keep its coat in top condition.


The Havanese is known for its long, soft coat that hardly sheds at all. This characteristic makes it particularly popular with people with allergies. The Havanese's coat needs to be brushed regularly to prevent matting, but it requires less intensive grooming than other long-haired breeds.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is small but mighty! Its long, smooth coat is reminiscent of human hair and requires intensive grooming. Regular brushing and occasional clipping are a must.

Tips and tricks for coat care

Proper grooming is essential if you have a long-haired dog. Here are some useful tips to help you with this:

Brushing and combing

Invest in high-quality brushes and combs. A wide-toothed comb is great for loosening knots, while a soft brush will make the coat shiny. Brush your dog at least once a day to prevent tangles and keep the coat healthy.

Bathing and drying

Only bathe your dog when necessary, using a mild dog shampoo. After bathing, you should dry the coat thoroughly to avoid skin irritation. A towel and a hairdryer on a low setting are very helpful here.

Regular checks

Check your dog's ears, eyes and paws regularly. Long-haired dogs tend to collect dirt and debris, which can lead to infections. Gently clean these areas as needed and watch for signs of irritation or infection. Tick infestations are also more difficult to detect, which can lead to lengthy post-walk checks.

The advantages of a long-haired dog

Long-haired dogs are not only beautiful to look at, they also have a number of advantages:

Protection from the elements

Their dense coat provides excellent protection from the cold and wet. This makes them particularly suitable for people who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Less shedding

Compared to short-haired dogs, long-haired dogs often shed less hair in the household, as the loose fur tends to get caught in the coat and is removed during brushing.

Versatile hairstyles

Long-haired dogs offer the opportunity for creative hairstyles and styles. From simple braids to elaborate cuts - there are no limits to your imagination.


Long-haired dogs are true beauties with a majestic appearance. Grooming them takes time and dedication, but the reward is a healthy, happy dog with a stunning coat. With the right tools and a little patience, you can ensure that your long-haired four-legged friend is always in top form.