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Attribute "Cat friendly"

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Four-legged friends in harmony: What does "cat-friendly" mean for dog breeds?

The coexistence of dogs and cats is often a hotly debated topic. Many believe that the two species are natural enemies, but this doesn't have to be the case. With the right preparation and by choosing a cat-friendly dog breed, you can create a harmonious atmosphere in your home. But what exactly does it mean when a dog breed is described as 'cat-friendly'? Let's explore this in detail.

What does 'cat-friendly' mean?

A "cat-friendly" dog breed is characterized by a calm, patient and non-aggressive behavior towards cats. These dogs tend to respect and tolerate cats rather than chase or harass them. However, it does not automatically mean that the dog and cat will become best friends. Rather, these dogs have the ability to live in a household with cats without major problems.

Character traits of cat-friendly dogs

Calm and serene

Cat-friendly dogs are often calmer and less easily agitated. They tend to be calm about situations and not be provoked by every movement or sound a cat makes. This calmness helps to avoid frightening the cat and avoid tension.

Patience and tolerance

Patience is a virtue that characterizes cat-friendly dogs. They tolerate it when the cat approaches them curiously or stays close to them. These dogs understand that cats sometimes need their own time and space.

Low hunting instinct

A low hunting instinct is another important characteristic. Dog breeds with a strong hunting instinct may see cats as prey and chase after them. Cat-friendly dogs, on the other hand, show less interest in chasing and are better able to cope with the presence of a cat.

Examples of cat-friendly dog breeds

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly and even-tempered nature. They are patient, gentle and have a low hunting instinct, which makes them ideal companions for cats.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These small, affectionate dogs are known for their gentle nature and ability to get along well with other pets. Their playful but not pushy personality makes them good companions for cats.

Labrador Retriever

Labradors are also known for their friendly and adaptable nature. They are social and usually have no problem accepting a cat in the household.

Bichon Frisé

The Bichon Frisé is a small, cheerful dog with a friendly nature. It is known to get along well with other animals, including cats.

The importance of the right introduction

Even the most cat-friendly dog breed needs a careful introduction to the household to ensure a harmonious relationship. Here are some tips on how to make the introduction:

Slow approach

Let the dog and cat get used to each other slowly. Initially, they should be kept separate so that they can get to know each other's scent through a closed door.

Supervised contact

When you bring both animals together for the first time, provide a controlled environment. Keep the dog on a lead and monitor the reactions of both animals closely.

Positive reinforcement

Reward calm and friendly behavior with treats and praise. This helps both animals to develop positive associations with each other's presence.


Make sure that both animals have access to safe retreats where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed.


Choosing a cat-friendly dog breed and a careful introduction can be the key to a peaceful coexistence between dog and cat. It requires patience, understanding and good preparation, but the reward is a harmonious and happy home environment for all four-legged family members.

These dog breeds also have the "Cat friendly" attribute