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What are zoomies? - A deep insight into the wild race of our four-legged friends

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Dogs are wonderful companions that surprise and delight us time and again with their behavior. One of the most fascinating and often funniest behaviors is the phenomenon of the so-called "zoomies". But what exactly are zoomies? Why do they appear and what should you know about them? Dive into the world of zoomies with me and find out everything you need to know about them.

What are zoomies?

"Zoomies" is a colloquial term that describes the sudden, intense bursts of energy that can be observed in dogs. In technical terms, this behavior is referred to as "Frenetic Random Activity Periods" (FRAPs). During a zoomie fit, your dog often runs around wildly, spins in circles, jumps and seems to be uncontrollably full of energy. These outbursts are usually short but very intense.

Why do dogs get zoomies?

Joy and excitement

One of the most common triggers for zoomies is pure joy and excitement. After a long day indoors, when your dog is finally allowed outside, he can release his pent-up energy with zoomies. Reuniting with you after a day at work can also trigger such an energy boost.

Stress relief

Zoomies can also be a way for dogs to relieve stress. After a stressful situation, such as a visit to the vet or an unpleasant encounter, your dog can release tension and regain his balance through these wild runs.

Excessive energy

Sometimes dogs simply have excess energy that they can't get rid of in any other way. Zoomies can be a regular occurrence, especially in young dogs or breeds with a high urge to exercise. These outbursts help them to release excess energy and calm down again.

Are zoomies normal?

Yes, zoomies are a completely normal behavior in dogs. There is no need to worry as long as your dog is healthy and the zoomies take place in a safe environment. In fact, they are a sign that your dog is happy and healthy. However, always monitor the environment in which the zoomies take place to make sure your dog can't hurt himself.

What should you do if your dog has zoomies?

Let him run

If your dog has zoomies, the best thing you can do is give them the space and freedom to run around. Make sure the area is safe and there are no hazards such as sharp edges or breakable objects.

Don't calm him down immediately

Don't try to calm your dog down immediately or restrict him. Zoomies are a natural way for dogs to release their energy, and interrupting them can be counterproductive. Just let him run until he stops on his own.

Create safe conditions

If the zoomies are taking place in your home, make sure there are no dangerous objects in the way. It's usually easier in the garden or park as your dog has more space. Avoid letting them run free near roads or busy paths to prevent accidents.

How can you prevent zoomies?

Regular exercise

One of the best ways to reduce the frequency of zoomies is regular exercise. Walks, playtime and training sessions will help your dog to expend their energy evenly and reduce the likelihood of sudden bursts of energy.

Mental stimulation

Not only physical, but also mental exercise is important. Intelligence games, obedience training and new tricks can help your dog to keep mentally active and reduce the frequency of zoomies.

A balanced daily routine

A structured daily routine with fixed feeding, play and rest times helps your dog to maintain a balanced energy level. This allows him to release his energy throughout the day instead of discharging it in a sudden burst.


Zoomies are a normal and often amusing phenomenon in a dog owner's life. They are a sign of joy, excess energy or stress relief. As long as they take place in a safe environment, there is nothing to worry about. With sufficient exercise, mental stimulation and a regular daily routine, you can reduce the frequency of zoomies while allowing your dog to live a happy and healthy life. So, the next time your dog gets his zoomies, sit back and enjoy the show - it's a wonderful expression of his happiness in life!