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Puddle fun and cuddles: How to keep your dog busy on rainy days

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Rain, rain and more rain - what a horror! But while we can retreat with a cup of tea and a good book, our four-legged friends still need entertainment. Don't worry, even on wet days there are plenty of ways to keep your dog busy and happy. Let's discover together how you can give your darling a great time when the weather is grubby.

Indoor games for rainy days

Search games

Dogs love to use their nose. Hide treats in your home and let your dog search for them. You can also set up a few boxes and hide the treats underneath. Your dog will love it and won't get bored!

Intelligence toys

Invest in a few intelligence toys. These games will challenge your dog mentally and keep him busy. There are many different types of brain toys, such as food balls where your dog has to release the food by rolling the ball, or puzzles where your dog has to move pieces to get to the treats.

Trick training

Rainy days are perfect for practicing new tricks or brushing up on old ones. Teach your dog how to spin, give a paw or even little tricks like balancing a treat on your nose. Training strengthens the bond between you and keeps your dog mentally fit.

Creative activity ideas

DIY sniffer rug

A sniffer rug is a great way to keep your dog busy. You can easily make it yourself. Cut strips of fleece and tie them to a non-slip grid or an old towel. Hide treats between the strips and let your dog search for them. This toy will challenge both his nose and his brain.

Indoor agility course

Use furniture and household items to set up a small agility course in your home. Your dog can jump over cushions, crawl under chairs or slalom around stools. This not only keeps him physically fit, but is also a lot of fun.

Cuddle time and massages

Sometimes a rainy day is also a perfect opportunity for cuddles. Treat your dog to a relaxing massage or simply spend time stroking and pampering him. This strengthens your bond and is good for both of you.

Outdoor activities suitable for the rain

Walks in the rain

Just because it's raining doesn't mean you have to stay indoors. Dress yourself and your dog in weatherproof clothing (if necessary) and go for a walk anyway. Many dogs love splashing in puddles and exploring the fresh smells. Don't forget to dry your dog thoroughly after the walk.

Out and about in the indoor dog playground

There are now indoor playgrounds for dogs in many cities. There, four-legged friends can run around, play and meet other dogs to their heart's content - all in the dry.


Rainy days don't have to be boring - neither for you nor for your dog. With a little creativity and commitment, you can discover lots of exciting and entertaining activities together that will quickly make you forget the bad weather. So, grab the games, blanket and treats - and enjoy your time together, whether outside or inside!

Have fun trying them out and have a rainy but happy day together!