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How to calm your dog on New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve is a reason to celebrate for many people, but for many dogs it is a reason to fear. The loud bangers, rockets and firecrackers can cause stress, fear and panic in our four-legged friends. How can you help your dog get through this difficult time? Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Prepare yourself in good time

If you know that your dog is sensitive to loud noises, you should prepare for this a few weeks before New Year's Eve. For example, you can practise with your dog how to retreat to a safe and quiet corner of your apartment or house. There you should offer him a cozy blanket, his favorite toy and something to nibble on. You can also turn on some calming music or an audio book to drown out the noises from outside.

Another option is to teach your dog how to relax. For example, you can give him a signal word or gesture that tells him to lie down and breathe calmly. You can reward him with treats or cuddles. If you do this exercise regularly, your dog will learn that he can calm down on your command.

You should also avoid letting your four-legged friend run free a few days before New Year's Eve, as fireworks could already be set off occasionally. Otherwise they could bolt in a panic reaction.

Stay calm and positive

On New Year's Eve, you should show your dog that you have the situation under control and that he has nothing to worry about. Remain calm and positive and avoid feeling sorry for or comforting your dog. This could only make him even more insecure or confirm that something is wrong. Instead, give him lots of attention and affection and play or cuddle with him. You can also teach him a few tricks or give him a new toy to distract him.

If your dog still shows fear, don't force him to stay with you or confront the noises. Instead, let him go to his safe corner and respect his desire for peace and quiet. However, you can always show him that you are there for him and that he can come to you if he wants to.

Use aids with caution

There are various aids that can help your dog on New Year's Eve, such as tranquilizers, pheromones or Thundershirts. However, these can only work if they are used correctly and if they are suitable for your dog.

Tranquilizers should only be used as a last resort if your dog is extremely anxious and no other method helps. They should always be prescribed by a vet and only given in the correct dosage. Pheromones are natural messengers that dogs exchange with each other and can have a calming effect. They are available as sprays, collars or plugs and should be applied a few days before New Year's Eve. Thundershirts are tight-fitting vests that exert gentle pressure on the dog's body and can thus give him a feeling of security. However, they should only be worn for short periods and should not be too tight.

Can I leave the dog alone?

It is not advisable to leave your dog alone on New Year's Eve. He could feel lonely, abandoned or even more anxious. He could also try to escape from the apartment or house or break something. If you absolutely have to leave, you should find someone who will look after your dog and whom he trusts.

What to do if the dog won't stop barking?

If your dog doesn't stop barking on New Year's Eve, you shouldn't scold or punish him. This would only upset or frighten him even more. Instead, you should try to calm him down or distract him. For example, you can give him a chew toy to keep him occupied. You can also offer him a treat if he stops barking for a moment. Or you can give him a command that he already knows, such as "sit" or "down". When he responds, you should praise and reward him.


New Year's Eve is a stressful time for many dogs, but you can help your dog to cope better. Prepare in good time, stay calm and positive and use aids carefully. In this way, you can show your dog that he can rely on you and that New Year's Eve is not so bad.