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Dog tax: everything you need to know

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Have you ever wondered why you have to pay a tax for your four-legged friend? Dog tax is an integral part of life for many dog owners in Germany and beyond. But what is actually behind it? Why was the dog tax introduced and how has it developed over time? In this article, we get to the bottom of these questions and take a look at how high the dog tax is in different countries.

Why is there a dog tax?

The dog tax serves several purposes. One of the main reasons is to regulate dog ownership. The tax is intended to control the number of dogs in order to prevent problems such as overpopulation and the associated hygiene and health problems.

In addition, the tax is often used to finance municipal expenses caused by dogs, such as the installation of dog waste bags and special waste bins or the maintenance of dog parks and meadows. Ultimately, the dog tax is also intended to help promote responsible dog ownership. Those who are prepared to pay the tax generally also show a certain sense of responsibility for the animal.

The history of the dog tax

Introduction of the dog tax

The dog tax has a long history. It was first introduced in Great Britain in 1796. The main aim was to control the spread of rabies and create a source of income for the state coffers. In Germany, the dog tax became popular in the 19th century when many cities and municipalities introduced it to pursue similar goals.

Development of the dog tax in Germany

In Germany, the dog tax was first levied in Prussia in 1807. From there, the practice gradually spread to other German states. Today, the dog tax is common in almost all German municipalities. The revenue from the tax flows into the municipal budget and is used for various purposes, most of which are directly or indirectly related to dog ownership.

Amount of dog tax in different countries

The amount of dog tax varies greatly from country to country and often also from municipality to municipality within a country. Here is an overview of the dog tax in different countries:


In Germany, dog tax varies from municipality to municipality. On average, you pay between 30 and 150 euros per year for the first dog. The costs usually increase for each additional dog. Some municipalities levy a higher tax for certain breeds that are classified as dangerous.


In Austria, dog tax is also levied by the local authority and varies accordingly. The annual fee is usually between 30 and 80 euros per dog. In some cities, such as Vienna, the costs can also be higher.


There is no standardized regulation for dog tax in Switzerland. The tax is levied at cantonal or municipal level and can therefore vary greatly. The fees are between 50 and 150 francs per year per dog. In some cantons, there are additional fees for special breeds.

Great Britain

In Great Britain, dog tax was abolished in 1987. Since then, there has been no state tax on dogs. However, since 2016, dog owners must ensure that their dogs are microchipped and registered with a database.


In the USA, dog tax is also not regulated uniformly across the country. Some cities and states levy a tax, while others do not. Where it is levied, the fees are often between 10 and 50 US dollars per year per dog.


The dog tax may seem like a chore at first glance, but it fulfills important functions. It helps to fund municipal services for dog owners, promotes responsible dog ownership and helps to regulate the dog population. Although the amount of dog tax varies depending on where you live, it remains an integral part of life with a dog in many countries. By paying the dog tax, you are doing your part to make our cities and communities more dog-friendly and cleaner.