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Dog days? No problem! How to keep your dog cool in summer

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Summer is a wonderful time to be outside and enjoy the sun. But while we humans prepare for the heat with sunscreen, hats and cool drinks, our four-legged friends can quickly overheat. Dogs don't regulate their body temperature as efficiently as we do and can easily suffer heatstroke. Here's how to keep your dog cool and healthy in summer.

1. create shady spots

Nature offers the best protection

A shady tree in the garden or a canopy can be wonderful places of shelter for your dog. If your garden doesn't offer any natural shade, you can also remedy this with a parasol or canopy.

The indoor area as a retreat

Make sure your dog always has access to a cool room in the house. A cool tiled floor can be particularly pleasant. Fans and air conditioning are also helpful to keep the indoor temperature comfortable.

2. provide plenty of water

Set up drinking stations

Make sure your dog always has access to fresh water. Place several water bowls in and around the house, especially in your dog's favorite spots. In summer, dogs tend to drink more, so refill the bowls regularly.

Flavored water

Some dogs will drink more if the water has some flavor. You can add a few ice cubes of chicken or beef broth to the water. Make sure the broth is unflavored and without onions or garlic.

3. refreshing baths and paddling pools

Splashing fun in the garden

A paddling pool can be a great way to cool your dog down. Many dogs love to splash around in the water and refresh themselves. Make sure the water is not too deep and change it regularly.

Showers and baths

A quick cool-down with the garden hose or a short shower can work wonders. Make sure the water is not too cold, as extreme temperature fluctuations can be stressful for dogs.

4. adjust walks

Choose the right time

Avoid walks during the hottest hours of the day. Early mornings and late evenings are ideal to avoid the heat. The asphalt can heat up a lot during the day and burn your dog's paws. Test the ground by placing your palm on it. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog.

Prefer shady routes

Choose shady paths for your walks. Parks with lots of trees or forest paths offer natural protection from the sun and make for more pleasant temperatures.

5. cool snacks and toys

Homemade dog ice cream

Dog ice cream is a delicious and cooling treat. You can easily make it yourself: blend yogurt with some banana and freeze the mixture in ice cube molds. Your dog will love this treat!

Cool toys

There are special dog toys that you can freeze. These toys are not only a great activity, but also help to cool your dog down.

6. emergency measures in case of overheating

Signs of heat stroke

It's important to recognize the signs of heatstroke: heavy panting, excessive salivation, weakness, disorientation or even unconsciousness. If you notice these symptoms, act quickly.

Immediate measures

Move your dog to the shade or a cool room immediately. Offer him water, but do not force him to drink. Cool him down slowly by placing cold, damp cloths on his body or rinsing him with lukewarm water. See a vet as soon as possible.


Summer can be a wonderful time for you and your dog if you take some simple steps to keep him cool and healthy. Shade, water, appropriate walks and cool treats can make a big difference. Always look out for the signs of overheating and act quickly if your dog is in danger. That way you can safely enjoy the sunny days together!

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