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Can dogs get sunburnt? - Protect your four-legged friend from the sun!

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Do you love playing outside in the sun with your dog and going for walks? Then you may have wondered whether dogs can get sunburnt. The answer is yes, dogs can indeed get sunburn! Just like us humans, dogs are also susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about sunburn in dogs - from symptoms to prevention and treatment.

Why do dogs get sunburn?

Just like humans, dogs have skin that can be damaged by UV rays. Dogs with light-colored or thin coats and dogs with sensitive skin are particularly at risk. Dogs with short hair or even no fur at all, such as the Chinese crested dog, are particularly susceptible. But dogs with light-colored noses or ears that have little fur can also easily get sunburned.

Symptoms of sunburn in dogs

It is important to recognize the signs of sunburn in your dog so that you can act quickly. The most common symptoms are

  • Redness of the skin: especially on thinly furred areas such as the nose, ears, belly and groin.
  • Scaly skin: The affected areas of skin may start to flake or peel off.
  • Pain or sensitivity to touch: Your dog may show pain when you touch the burned areas.
  • Blistering: In severe cases, blisters may even form on your dog's skin.

How can you prevent sunburn on your dog?

The best treatment is, of course, prevention. Here are some tips on how to protect your dog from sunburn:

1. avoid the blazing midday sun

Try to time walks and outdoor play to the morning or evening hours when the sun is not so strong. UV radiation is at its most intense between 10 am and 4 pm.

2. use shade

Make sure your dog always has access to shady areas, whether it's under a tree, a parasol or a special dog tent.

3. apply sunscreen

Yes, there are special sun creams for dogs! Make sure you use a cream that is suitable for animals, as human products often contain substances that can be toxic to dogs. Apply the cream to sensitive areas such as the nose, ears and belly.

4. protect sensitive areas

For particularly vulnerable dogs, there is special protective clothing, such as light T-shirts or coats, which offer additional protection.

Treating sunburn in dogs

If your dog does get sunburned, you need to act quickly. Here are the first steps you should take:

1. cool the skin

Cool the affected areas with cold, damp cloths to soothe the skin. Avoid ice, however, as this can further damage the skin.

2. moisturizing products

Use special moisturizing products suitable for dogs or aloe vera gel to nourish the skin and promote healing.

3. pain management

If your dog is in significant pain, the vet can prescribe appropriate painkillers. Avoid giving your dog medication without consulting your vet.

4. visit to the vet

In severe cases, a visit to the vet is essential. The vet can examine your dog's skin thoroughly and recommend further treatment if necessary.


Sunburn in dogs is a serious matter, but it can be easily avoided with the right precautions and care. Make sure to protect your dog from excessive sun exposure and be aware of the symptoms of a possible sunburn. By taking these measures, you can ensure that your outings in the sun together remain safe and enjoyable. Have fun playing and exploring with your four-legged friend - always well protected, of course!